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PhD candidate: Drs. Agnes de Lima-Heijns

The present study investigates the risk, preventive, promotive, and protective factors underlying the developmental pathways towards resilience or delinquency among Curaçaoan youth. Bronfenbrenners Process-Person-Context-Time (PPCT) model  (1979) is used to describe the developmental pathways towards resilience and delinquency in the general population of Curaçaoan youth. The General Personality and Cognitive Social Learning (GPCSL) model of criminal conduct (Andrews & Bonta, 1995) is integrated in the PPCT-model in order to better explain the onset and persistence of juvenile delinquency and maintenance of resilient behavior.

Using a mixed method design combining multi-source, self-report and interviews, respondents are annually followed during 4 years starting from the last grade of primary school into the higher grades of secondary school.

The study  was rewarded with NWO funding in 2016 and is currently finishing T3.

Prof. dr. G.J.J.M. (Geert-Jan) Stams
