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  • FMG Research Lab

    The FMG Research Lab of the Faculty of Social and Behavioural sciences houses high-quality technical research facilities for social and behavioural research. Think of a 3T MRI scanner, EEG, eye tracking and TMS. Our labs are multifunctional and equipped with the latest techniques, which are regularly renewed. In addition to the availability of this equipment, we have a team of highly experienced technicians who can support the implementation of the research in the lab. In addition, our technical staff has a lot of experience in finding technical solutions for set ups that need a more costumized solution. Please contact us for more information.

  • UvA Minds

    UvA minds offers specialist mental health care (SGGZ) to children, youth and young adults and their parents. UvA Minds offers treatment (and diagnostics) for anxiety, tics, trauma, coercion, depression, ADHD, autism, sleep problems and selective mutism in the form of individual treatment, group treatment, parent training and parent guidance. Click on the link below for further information (in Dutch only). 


  • UvA Family Lab

    The UvA Family Lab comprises two large video studios for observing and filming the behaviour of childeren and family interaction. Click on the link below for further details about the UvA Family Lab (in Dutch only).

  • Methodological and Statistical Consultation 

    The section of Methods and Statistics (M&S) of the Research Institute of Child Development and Education provides methodological and statistical consultation. To ensure that the consultation is as effective, efficient, and as pleasant as possible, we have the following regulations:

    Who can ask for statistical advice from M&S?

    We provide consultation only to staff of the department of Child Development and Education. Students are not entitled to use the consulting service themselves. However, their supervisor is welcome to consult us for questions relating to a master’s thesis.

    What is the procedure?

    Send your question to A member of M&S will contact you to schedule an appointment for a consultation. There may be a waiting period of several days or more during times when we receive many requests. Please, do not ask M&S members for advice directly, as M&S members often find it difficult to say no although they are often extremely busy.

    It is helpful to formulate your question in the email as detailed and specific as possible, to ensure that we have enough information to match your question to an expert on the particular topic.

    The time for the consultation is limited to 30 minutes for reasons of capacity, so make sure to come prepared.

    The M&S member will try to answer your question immediately. However, this is often not possible. If you require more information than can be provided in the 30-minute appointment, another consultation (via email or in person) will be scheduled for a later time.

    Our consultation includes verbal answers to methodological and statistical questions and, if required, help in getting started with statistical software (such as R, SPSS and Mplus). M&S members do not perform data analyses on your behalf.

    Please be aware that M&S members will not be able to provide solutions to every single problem and that, in particular, you do not have the right to claim that your problem will be solved by a particular deadline. This is due to waiting times as well as the fact that it is not possible to estimate in advance how much time the statistical consulting will take. We recommend therefore that you make an appointment for consultation as early as possible.

    If, as a result of the content or the extent of the advice provided, an M&S member has substantially contributed to the conception or the completion of a publication or a grant proposal, it is customary to list him/her as coauthor. In this case, the consultant must be given the opportunity to read and approve the final draft before submission.

  • Consultation 2.0

    Consultation 2.0 is a continuing series of workshops on popular methodological and statistical topics in the social and behavioral sciences. Each workshop discusses one topic extensively. Typically, a workshop consists of a keynote lecture by an expert in the field, a shorter hands-on lecture on software, one or two short presentations by researchers who have dealt with the problems in practice, and a question and answer session.

    • Consultation 2.0 is organized under the auspices of VBSP 
    • Workshops are taught in English, unless stated otherwise 
    • The prerequisite level of knowledge of methods, statistics, and software varies per workshop
    • Consultation 2.0 is free for faculty and staff of the Research Institute of Child Development and Education and VBSP members 
    • Other participants pay €50 to cover organizational expenses 
    • Workshop material will be sent to all participants a week in advance 
    • Participants are encouraged to bring their own laptop computer