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PhD candidate: Rosanne Sluiter, MSc

Studies from both the diathesis-stress paradigm and the differential susceptibility paradigm have shown that children’s temperament and the pedagogical quality of early childhood education an care (ECEC) shape children’s experiences in childcare and their socio-emotional development. Specifically, a reactive temperament is related to less favorable socio-emotional outcomes in early childhood, as reported by caregiver and teachers, particularly in ECEC with relatively low quality.  

This project involves a longitudinal study into temperament-by-quality and high sensitivity-by-quality interaction effects with children from both center-based care and family daycare. We also conduct a multi-level meta-analysis of the longitudinal relation between childcare quality and children’s socio-emotional development, including moderators at child level. 

The study  was rewarded with ZonMW funding and runs from 2017-2021.

Prof. dr. R.G. (Ruben) Fukkink


Prof. dr. M. (Minne) Fekkes
