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PhD candidate: Lennert Groot, MSc

In this project we will extend the scope of research questions that can be answered with meta-analytical structural equation modeling (MASEM), and enable researchers to utilize the full potential of all available data. Consequently, policy makers can base decisions on high quality reviews that include all relevant evidence. In particular, I will investigate the possibilities of synthesizing raw datasets, instead of summary statistics, when conducting MASEM. 

This project is funded through an NWO-Vidi grant entitled 'No Data Left Behind' awarded to dr. Suzanne Jak. and runs from 2022 – 2026.

L.J. (Lennert) Groot MSc

PhD candidate

Prof. dr. F.J. (Frans) Oort


Dr. S. (Suzanne) Jak


Dr. K.J. (Kees Jan) Kan
