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PhD candidate: Anne Bijlsma, MSc

Recent prevalence numbers of child abuse point out that efforts to reduce this extensive problem during the past years have not been effective yet. To address this societal problem, the aim of this applied research project is to enhance the effectiveness of early preventive interventions for child maltreatment by expanding knowledge of what works for whom in these interventions. My research is partially about applying the risk-need-responsivity (RNR)-model in the context of preventive youth care. Working according to the principles of the RNR-model has been proven to be effective in prevention of recidivism in judicial practice. In child protection, the RNR-model is about tailoring treatment to the risk of (recurring) child abuse within families, and to dynamic need factors of families. The aim is to examine the effectiveness of working according to the principles of the RNR-framework.

The project is part of the ZonMW Consortium Vroeg preventieve interventies - Fase 2

Dr. A.M.E. (Anne) Bijlsma

PhD candidate

Prof. dr. G.J.J.M. (Geert-Jan) Stams


Prof. dr. G.J. (Geertjan) Overbeek


Dr. C.E. (Claudia) van der Put


Dr M. (Mark) Assink
