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PhD candidate: Merlin Nieterau, MSc

The goal of this PhD project is to acquire a more in-depth understanding of the underlying networks of symptoms, risk and protective factors in individual families dealing with disruptive child behavior. In this project we will gain insight into daily feelings, thoughts, and behavior of parents who struggle with their child’s (3-8 years old) disruptive behavior. Analyzing such intensive longitudinal data provides new insights about within and between family differences. Results may contribute to the development of evidence based personalized family support.

This study is part of the NWO VIDI project ‘Risk Factors for Mental Health Problems as (un)Suitable Intervention Targets’ awarded to dr. Patty Leijten.

H.J.M. (Merlin) Nieterau

PhD candidate

Dr. P.H.O. (Patty) Leijten


Prof. dr. G.J. (Geertjan) Overbeek
