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PhD candidate: Fae van der Weijden, MSc

 Bouw! is an evidence-based online computer program providing individual support to children at risk for reading disabilities, starting in kindergarten and followed for two years. It enables intensive extra practice but costs teachers little time as the children are assisted by non-professional tutors (parents, older children). Previous research has shown that the effectiveness of Bouw! is dependent on treatment integrity (i.e. to what extent the program was implemented as intended).

In this project, I will use a large-scale implementation of Bouw! to investigate the following questions:
1) which factors affect the successful implementation of the program Bouw!?
2) does implementation of the intervention result in the reduction of RD, reading-related social-emotional problems, grade retention, and diagnoses of dyslexia?

Research findings will be used to design actions and manuals for practitioners to improve the implementation of Bouw!.

The project is funded by the NRO (Netherlands Initiative for Education Research).

Prof. dr. P.F. (Peter) de Jong


Dr. A.H. (Haytske) Zijlstra MSc
