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PhD candidate: Lianne Hoek, MSc

For some time, it has been observed that citizenship education in the Netherlands is not always arranged in a structured way, that schools do not formulate learning objectives for citizenship education and have no insight into the results, and that generally tools to map students’ citizenship competences are lacking.

A results-oriented approach in citizenship education, consisting of a systematic evaluation of the citizenship competences of students in the upper grades of primary school and the instruments needed for this, as well as the establishment of a feedback system based on these results, enables schools to map citizenship competences of students. Moreover, it helps schools to determine educational goals, to align the curriculum to students’ needs, and to develop citizenship education within the school.

This project is carried out in collaboration with the Academische Werkplaats Onderwijs. It received funding from NRO langlopend praktijkgericht onderwijsonderzoek.

Dr. L.H.M. (Lianne) Hoek

PhD candidate

Prof. dr. A.B. (Anne Bert) Dijkstra
