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PhD candidate: Svenne Groeneweg, MSc

The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) represents an area of scholarship in which teachers aim to improve teaching and learning through systematic inquiry into their own educational practices. SoTL is seen as a powerful professional development strategy and a promising avenue to raise the status of teaching in higher education. Yet, empirical knowledge of the actual impact of SoTL remains rather limited. This PhD project therefore aims to synthesize and expand the empirical knowledge on the impact of SoTL.

We will synthesize the current body of SoTL knowledge by conducting a systematic literature review and we will expand on that knowledge by using different theoretical lenses (value creation, social network theory, and sensemaking/sensegiving theory) to better understand the impact of SoTL.

By examining the impact of SoTL and unravelling the mechanisms behind it, the current research project will contribute insights that inform future decision-making about how to stimulate and sustain engagement in SoTL.

The PhD project is funded by the Teaching and Learning Centre (TLC Central) of the University of Amsterdam.

Prof. dr. M.L.L. (Monique) Volman


Dr. N.N. (Natalie) Pareja Roblin


Dr. D. (Daphne) van Weijen
