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PhD candidates are admitted to RICDE in the following ways:

  1. Through an open recruitment procedure, applying for a PhD vacancy within a research project that is externally funded (by e.g. NWO, ZonMW or the EU). Vacancies are announced on the UvA website.
  2. Submitting their own research proposal, which means candidates must bring their own funding ascertained through private resources, or grants (e.g. a scholarship from a national or local government, Nuffic).

If a PhD project is financed by the University of Amsterdam or by a grant given to the University of Amsterdam by a third party, the PhD degree is automatically conferred to the University of Amsterdam.

Admission criteria

  • Minimum educational requirement for PhD Candidates: A legal minimum educational requirement needs to be satisfied. In order to enter a doctorate programme (PhD) at the UvA, national candidates need a minimum of a Masters degree and international candidates must prove that their foreign academic degree is equivalent to this Dutch final university examination. Technically, international candidates must request to be exempted from the legal Dutch educational requirements before they can be admitted.
  • English test requirement for all non-native speakers: All non-native speakers of English are required to demonstrate sufficient proficiency in English. All Candidates must be able to read textbooks, understand lectures, take part in programme group discussions and undertake written work in English. Applicants with a nationality other than American, Australian, British, Canadian, Irish or New Zealand - as proven by the identity papers submitted - are required to submit an English test score meeting the entry requirements: 


  • Paper-based test: minimum total score 600; minimum score on each component 57 (components are: listening, structure/writing, and reading)
  • Internet-based test: minimum total score 100; minimum score on each component 22 (components are: listening, structure/writing, reading, and speaking)


  • A minimum of 7.0 for the test, with a minimum of 6.5 for each test component.
  • Cambridge International Examinations
  • CAE and CPE: minimum score of C.
  • Additional admission procedures in externally funded research projects: Additional admission procedures are spelled out in the vacancy descriptions in case of PhD candidates who apply for PhD positions in externally funded projects.

External PhD

Self-funded candidates have to submit a short description of the following items using the form below: 

  • the topic they would like to explore 
  • the supervisor they have in mind 
  • the kind of funding they obtained and
  • a timeplan 

The Graduate Studies Committee (GSC) will evaluate the proposal. If the GSC approves the application, the candidate can be admitted as a self-funded PhD candidate. 

Fees for participation in the PhD programme 

PhD candidates who are not employed by RICDE pay a fee of €2.050 up to €12.500 per annum (depending on your specific situation). This covers the selection procedure, supervision, office facilities, ICT facilities, library service etcetera. Additional research costs have to be included in your budget plan. Costs of courses for your PhD education are €150 per ECT. Depending on your situation and funding these costs are covered by the tuition fee or will be charged separately. The PhD candidate will receive a certificate when completes courses worth in total a minimum of 36 credits (ECTS).