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S. (Saskia) Arbon PhD

PhD Teaching critical thinking about socio-scientific issues: the potential of an integrative approach
Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Programme group:
Photographer: Ron Koffeman

Visiting address
  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 127
  • Room number: D8.12
Postal address
  • Postbus 15776
    1001 NG Amsterdam
  • Profile

    PhD Critical Thinking about controversial (socio-scientific) issues

    I perform my research in the field of educational sciences. Within this project, we examine whether secundary school students express critical thinking about (controversial) socio-scientific issues within science-related school subjects. Studying this topic, we design a measurement instrument that measures whether secundary school students can distinguish evidence from values when analyzing discussions within biology or other science-related subjects. Additionally, we examine whether an (inquiry-based learning) intervention can increase these skills and whether secundary school students can apply these skills in other domains, such as within the subject history.


    Due to my background in Interdisciplinary Social Sciences (Bachelor) and Development and Sociolization in Childhood and Adolescense (Research Master), I take an interest in analyzing/researching social issues that exist in our contemporary society. Within my education, I mostly focused on (1) how children and young adults develop knowledge and skills, (2) how interventions or shifts in educational practices might increase this development of knowledge and skills, and (3) whether people can apply this knowledge (and these skills) to new issues and situations (transfer).


    Do you want to have a conversation about the transfer of knowledge, education, controversial issues within the science subjects or about how we can make scientific research more accessable to a greater public? Let me know by contacting me! 

  • Publications


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  • Ancillary activities
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