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Dr. M. (Mirjana) Majdandžić

Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Programme group: Developmental psychopathology
Photographer: Ron Koffeman

Visiting address
  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 127
  • Room number: D9.04
Postal address
  • Postbus 15776
    1001 NG Amsterdam
  • Profile

    Dr. Mirjana Majdandžić is assistant professor at the Department of Child Development and Education. She studied Behavioral biology and Bioinformatics at Utrecht University. Her research is focused on the measurement, relations and consequences of temperament (including anxiety) and parenting behavior. She conducted a longitudinal observational study on the relations between temperament, parenting behavior and behavioral problems in families with two children. She is currently involved in a study on the development of social anxiety, where she focuses in particular on the role of fathers' challenging parenting behavior in early anxiety development.  She teaches developmental psychology, behavioral genetics, and temperament & psychopathology at the undergraduate level, and measurement and interrelations of temperament & parenting behavior in the research master.

    Research interests: The relations between child temperament and parenting behavior, in particular the role of challenging parenting behavior in the development of child anxiety. Factors of interest regarding these relations include:

    • Observational and questionnaire measurement of temperament and parenting behavior.
    • Parenting behavior, in particular challenging parenting behavior of fathers.
    • Child temperament, including child behavioral inhibition and anxiety.
    • Evolutionary theories on differences in parenting behavior between fathers and mothers.
    • The role of coparenting in (child and parental) anxiety.
    • The role of self-regulation in anxiety.
    • Cross-cultural differences in the relations between temperament and parenting behaviour
  • Publications


    • Dülger, M., Van Bockstaele, B., Majdandžić, M., & de Vente, W. (2024). Intergenerational transmission of social anxiety: The role of parents’ fear of negative child evaluation and their self-referent and child-referent interpretation biases. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 48, 957-973.


    • Campagna, A. X., Desmarais, E. D., French, B., Underwood, J. J., Majdandžić, M., Beijers, R., de Weerth, C., Lee, E. G., Huitron, B., Ahmetoglu, E., Benga, O., Raikkonen, K., Heinonen, K., Gonzalez-Salinas, C., Slobodskaya, H., Kozlova, E., Martins Linhares, M. B., Lecannelier, F., Casalin, S., ... Gartstein, M. A. (2023). Temperament and behaviour problems in children: A multilevel analysis of cross-cultural differences. Infant and Child Development, 32(5), Article e2443. [details]
    • Colonnesi, C., Zeegers, M. A. J., Majdandžić, M., van Steensel, F. J. A., & Bögels, S. M. (2023). Correction: Fathers’ and Mothers’ Early Mind-Mindedness Predicts Social Competence and Behavior Problems in Childhood. Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology, 51(6), 905.
    • Dunn, A., Alvarez, J., Arbon, A., Bremner, S., Elsby-Pearson, C., Emsley, R., Jones, C., Lawrence, P., Lester, K. J., Majdandžić, M., Morson, N., Perry, N., Simner, J., Cartwright-Hatton, S., & Thomson, A. (2023). Investigating the effect of providing monetary incentives to participants on completion rates of referred co-respondents: An embedded randomized controlled trial. Study within a trial (SWAT) protocol. Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications, 32, Article 101090. [details]
    • Helmerhorst, K. O. W., Majdandžić, M., & Cabrera, N. J. (2023). Introduction to Special Issue Contributions of father-child relationship to children's development within the larger family system: A focus on observational measures. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 63, 39-42. [details]
    • Teglasi, H., Putnam, S. P., & Majdandžić, M. (2023). Editorial: Integrative perspectives on the person-context interplay through the lens of temperament. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, Article 1156267. [details]



    • Desmarais, E. E., French, B. F., Ahmetoglu, E., Acar, I., Gonzalez-Salinas, C., Kozlova, E., Slobodskaya, H., Benga, O., Majdandžić, M., Beijers, R., de Weerth, C., Huitron, B., Lee, E. G., Han, S.-Y., Park, S.-Y., Giusti, L., Montirosso, R., Tuovinen, S., Heinonen, K., ... Gartstein, M. A. (2021). Cultural contributors to negative emotionality: A multilevel analysis from the Joint Effort Toddler Temperament Consortium. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 45(6), 545-552. [details]
    • Desmarais, E., Brown, K., Campbell, K., French, B. F., Putnam, S. P., Casalin, S., Linhares, M. B. M., Lecannelier, F., Wang, Z., Raikkonen, K., Heinonen, K., Tuovinen, S., Montirosso, R., Provenzi, L., Park, S.-Y., Han, S.-Y., Lee, E. G., Huitron, B., de Weerth, C., ... Gartstein, M. A. (2021). Links between television exposure and toddler dysregulation: Does culture matter? Infant Behavior and Development, 63, Article 101557. [details]
    • Van Bockstaele, B., Aktar, E., Majdandžić, M., Pérez-Edgar, K., & Bögels, S. M. (2021). The relation between early behavioural inhibition and later social anxiety, independent of attentional biases to threat. Cognition & Emotion, 35(7), 1431-1439. Advance online publication. [details]



    • Benga, O., Susa-Erdogan, G., Beijers, R., Majdandžić, M., & Casalin, S. (2019). Play/Activities, Temperament and behavior problems. In M. A. Gartstein, & S. P. Putnam (Eds.), Toddlers, Parents, and Culture: Findings from the Joint Effort Toddler Temperament Consortium (pp. 125-137). Routledge. [details]
    • Colonnesi, C., Zeegers, M. A. J., Majdandžić, M., van Steensel, F. J. A., & Bögels, S. M. (2019). Fathers’ and Mothers’ Early Mind-Mindedness Predicts Social Competence and Behavior Problems in Childhood. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 47(9), 1421-1435. [details]
    • Desmarais, E., Majdandžić, M., Gartstein, M. A., Bridgett, D. J., & French, B. F. (2019). Cross-cultural differences in temperament: Comparing paternal ratings of US and Dutch infants. European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 16(2), 137-151. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Gartstein, M. A., Putnam, S. P., Majdandžić, M., Tuovinen , S., & Desmarais, E. (2019). Bringing it All Together: Mediational Models. In M. A. Gartstein, & S. P. Putnam (Eds.), Toddlers, Parents, and Culture: Findings from the Joint Effort Toddler Temperament Consortium (pp. 169-175). Routledge. [details]
    • Majdandžić, M., Kirchhoff, M. C., Räikkönen, K., Benga, O., & Ahmetoglu, E. (2019). Integrating the Developmental Niche: Relations among Socialization Goals, Parental Ethnotheories, Daily Activities, and Parental Responses to Temperament. In M. A. Gartstein, & S. P. Putnam (Eds.), Toddlers, Parents, and Culture: Findings from the Joint Effort Toddler Temperament Consortium (pp. 110-116). Routledge. [details]
    • Putnam, S. P., Benga, O., Montirosso, R., Majdandžić, M., & Casalin, S. (2019). Cross-Cultural Differences in Discipline. In M. A. Gartstein, & S. P. Putnam (Eds.), Toddlers, Parents, and Culture: Findings from the Joint Effort Toddler Temperament Consortium (pp. 89-100). Routledge. [details]
    • Putnam, S. P., Casalin, S., Huitron, B., Majdandžić, M., & Linhares, M. B. (2019). Cross-Cultural Differences in Behavior Problems. In M. A. Gartstein, & S. P. Putnam (Eds.), Toddlers, Parents, and Culture: Findings from the Joint Effort Toddler Temperament Consortium (pp. 38-45). Routledge. [details]
    • Putnam, S. P., Gartstein, M. A., Casalin, S., González-Salinas, C., Huitron, B., Han, S-Y., Majdandžić, M., Montirosso, R., Benga, O., Acar, I., Linhares, M. B., Räikkönen, K., Wang, Z., Lecannelier, F., Beijers, R., & Kozlova, E. (2019). Methodology of the Joint Effort Toddler Temperament Consortium (JETTC). In M. A. Gartstein, & S. P. Putnam (Eds.), Toddlers, Parents, and Culture: Findings from the Joint Effort Toddler Temperament Consortium (pp. 11-26). Routledge. [details]


    • Aktar, E., Majdandžić, M., De Vente, W., & Bögels, S. M. (2018). Parental Expressions of Anxiety and Child Temperament in Toddlerhood Jointly Predict Preschoolers’ Avoidance of Novelty. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 47(Suppl. 1: Parenting), S421-S434. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Aktar, E., Mandell, D. J., de Vente, W., Majdandžić, M., Oort, F. J., van Renswoude, D. R., Raijmakers, M. E. J., & Bögels, S. M. (2018). Parental negative emotions are related to behavioral and pupillary correlates of infants' attention to facial expressions of emotion. Infant Behavior and Development, 53, 101-111. [details]
    • Majdandžić, M., Lazarus, R. S., Oort, F. J., van der Sluis, C., Dodd, H. F., Morris, T. M., de Vente, W., Byrow, Y., Hudson, J. L., & Bögels, S. M. (2018). The Structure of Challenging Parenting Behavior and Associations With Anxiety in Dutch and Australian Children. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 47(2), 282-295. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Majdandžić, M., de Vente, W., Colonnesi, C., & Bögels, S. M. (2018). Fathers’ challenging parenting behavior predicts less subsequent anxiety symptoms in early childhood. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 109, 18-28. [details]
    • Metz, M., Colonnesi, C., Majdandžić, M., & Bögels, S. M. (2018). When Father Steps Forward and Mother Steps Back: The Moderating Role of Simultaneity in Parents' Coparenting Behaviors in the Development of Anxiety in 4‐ to 30‐Month‐Olds. Infancy, 23(1), 103-123. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Metz, M., Majdandžić , M., & Bögels, S. (2018). Concurrent and Predictive Associations Between Infants’ and Toddlers’ Fearful Temperament, Coparenting, and Parental Anxiety Disorders. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 47(4), 569-580. [details]
    • Zeegers, M. A. J., de Vente, W., Nikolić, M., Majdandžić, M., Bögels, S. M., & Colonnesi, C. (2018). Mothers’ and fathers’ mind‐mindedness influences physiological emotion regulation of infants across the first year of life. Developmental Science, 21(6), Article e12689. [details]


    • Aktar, E., Colonnesi, C., de Vente, W., Majdandžić, M., & Bögels, S. M. (2017). How do parents' depression and anxiety, and infants' negative temperament relate to parent–infant face-to-face interactions? Development and Psychopathology, 29(3), 697-710. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Scheper, F. Y., Majdandžić, M., van de Ven, P. M., Jansen, L. M. C., Doreleijers, T. A. H., Schuengel, C., & de Vries, A. L. C. (2017). Temperament traits and psychopathology in young clinically referred children compared to a general population sample. Child Psychiatry and Human Development, 48(6), 841-850. Advance online publication. [details]


    • Aktar, E., Mandell, D. J., de Vente, W., Majdandžić, M., Raijmakers, M. E. J., & Bögels, S. M. (2016). Infants’ Temperament and Mothers’, and Fathers’ Depression Predict Infants’ Attention to Objects Paired with Emotional Faces. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 44(5), 975-990. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Lazarus, R. S., Dodd, H. F., Majdandžić, M., de Vente, W., Morris, T., Byrow, Y., Bögels, S. M., & Hudson, J. L. (2016). The relationship between challenging parenting behaviour and childhood anxiety disorders. Journal of Affective Disorders, 190, 784-791. [details]
    • Majdandžić, M., de Vente, W., & Bögels, S. M. (2016). Challenging parenting behavior from infancy to toddlerhood: Etiology, measurement, and differences between fathers and mothers. Infancy, 21(4), 423-452. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Möller, E. L., Nikolić, M., Majdandžić, M., & Bögels, S. M. (2016). Associations between maternal and paternal parenting behaviors, anxiety and its precursors in early childhood: A meta-analysis. Clinical Psychology Review, 45, 17-33. [details]


    • Möller, E. L., Majdandžić, M., & Bögels, S. M. (2015). Parental anxiety, parenting behavior, and infant anxiety: differential associations for fathers and mothers. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 24(9), 2626-2637. Advance online publication. [details]


    • Aktar, E., Majdandžić, M., de Vente, W., & Bögels, S. M. (2014). Parental social anxiety disorder prospectively predicts toddlers' fear/avoidance in a social referencing paradigm. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 55(1), 77-87. [details]
    • Majdandžić, M., Möller, E. L., de Vente, W., Bögels, S. M., & van den Boom, D. C. (2014). Fathers' challenging parenting behavior prevents social anxiety development in their 4-year-old children: a longitudinal observational study. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 42(2), 301-310. [details]
    • Möller, E. L., Majdandžić, M., & Bögels, S. M. (2014). Fathers' versus mothers' social referencing signals in relation to infant anxiety and avoidance: a visual cliff experiment. Developmental Science, 17(6), 1012-1028. [details]
    • Möller, E. L., Majdandžić, M., Craske, M. G., & Bögels, S. M. (2014). Dimensional assessment of anxiety disorders in parents and children for DSM-5. International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research, 23(3), 331-344. [details]
    • Möller, E. L., Majdandžić, M., Vriends, N., & Bögels, S. M. (2014). Social referencing and child anxiety: the evolutionary based role of fathers' versus mothers' signals. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 23(7), 1268-1277. Advance online publication. [details]
    • de Vente, W., Majdandžić, M., Voncken, M. J., Beidel, D. C., & Bögels, S. M. (2014). The SPAI-18, a brief version of the Social Phobia and Anxiety Inventory: reliability and validity in clinically referred and non-referred samples. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 28(2), 140-147. Advance online publication. [details]


    • Aktar, E., Majdandžić, M., de Vente, W., & Bögels, S. M. (2013). The interplay between expressed parental anxiety and infant behavioural inhibition predicts infant avoidance in a social referencing paradigm. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 54(2), 144-156. [details]
    • Colonnesi, C., Bögels, S. M., de Vente, W., & Majdandžić, M. (2013). What coy smiles say about positive shyness in early infancy. Infancy, 18(2), 202-220. [details]
    • Möller, E. L., Majdandžić, M., de Vente, W., & Bögels, S. M. (2013). The evolutionary basis of sex differences in parenting and its relationship with child anxiety in Western societies. Journal of Experimental Psychopathology, 4(2), 88-117. [details]


    • Majdandžić, M., de Vente, W., Feinberg, M. E., Aktar, E., & Bögels, S. M. (2012). Bidirectional associations between coparenting relations and family member anxiety: a review and conceptual model. Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review, 15(1), 28-42. [details]


    • Bögels, S., Stevens, J., & Majdandžić, M. (2011). Parenting and social anxiety: fathers’ versus mothers’ influence on their children’s anxiety in ambiguous social situations. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 52(5), 599-606. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Majdandžić, M., Möller, E., Bögels, S., & van den Boom, D. (2011). Verschillen tussen vaders en moeders in de relatie tussen opvoedingsgedrag en sociale angst van hun kinderen. Pedagogiek, 31(1), 11-28. [details]
    • de Vente, W., Majdandžić, M., Colonnesi, C., & Bögels, S. M. (2011). Intergenerational transmission of social anxiety: the role of paternal and maternal fear of negative child evaluation and parenting behaviour. Journal of Experimental Psychopathology, 2(4), 509-530. [details]



    • Majdandžić, M., van den Boom, D. C., & Heesbeen, D. G. M. (2008). Peas in a pod: biases in the measurement of sibling temperament? Developmental Psychology, 44(5), 1354-1368. [details]



    • Montirosso, R., Giusti, L., Butti, N., Wang, Z., & Majdandžić, M. (2019). Socialization Goals, Parental Ethnotheories, Toddler Temperament, and Behavior Problems. In M. A. Gartstein, & S. P. Putnam (Eds.), Toddlers, Parents, and Culture: Findings from the Joint Effort Toddler Temperament Consortium (pp. 119-124). Routledge. [details]



    • de Vente, W., Majdandžić, M., & Bögels, S. (2014). The pathophysiology of social anxiety. In J. W. Weeks (Ed.), The Wiley Blackwell handbook of social anxiety disorder (pp. 90-110). Wiley Blackwell. [details]


    • de Vente, W., Majdandzic, M., & Bögels, S. M. (2021). Intergenerational transmission of anxiety: linking parents’ temperament to infant autonomic hyperarousal.. Paper presented at Vereniging voor Nederlandse OntwikkelingsPsychologie conference 2021.


    • de Vente, W., Majdandzic, M., & Bögels, S. M. (2019). The intergenerational transmission of social anxiety: the mediating role of paternal and maternal fear of negative child evaluation and parenting. 158. Paper presented at 19th European Conference on Developmental Psychology, Athens, Greece.


    • Desmarais, E., Joint Effort Toddler Temperament Consortium, & Majdandzic, M. (2018). Does T.V. dysregulate toddlers and are their cross-cultural differences?. Paper presented at Western Psychological Association Conference, Portland, United States.
    • Desmarais, E., Joint Effort Toddler Temperament Consortium, & Majdandzic, M. (2018). Temperament and the “developmental niche”: Contributions of bedtime routine across 14 cultures. Poster session presented at International Congress on Infant Studies, Philadelphia, United States.
    • Majdandzic, M., & Joint Effort Toddler Temperament Consortium (2018). Cultural moderators of the relation between child shyness and internalizing problems. Poster session presented at Occasional Temperament Conference, Murcia, Spain.
    • de Vente, W., Majdandzic, M., & Bögels, S. M. (2018). Is autonomic hyperarousal of the fear system a specific concomitant of a fearful temperament, which is transmitted from parents to their children?. 47. Poster session presented at Occasional Temperament Conference, Murcia, Spain.


    • Desmarais, E., Majdandzic, M., Gartstein, M. A., & Bridgett, D. J. (2017). Differences in paternal ratings of US and Dutch infants’ temperament: Father knows best?. Poster session presented at Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) 2017, Austin, Texas, United States.
    • Dodd, H. F., Stockill, H., Hill, C., & Majdandzic, M. (2017). Mothers’ and fathers’ perception of risk in play and children’s anxiety; a unique role for fathers?. Poster session presented at Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) 2017, Austin, Texas, United States.
    • Huitron, B., Joint Effort Toddler Temperament Consortium, & Majdandzic, M. (2017). Cross-cultural differences in toddlers’ daily activities and their relation to temperament. Poster session presented at Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) 2017, Austin, Texas, United States.
    • Majdandzic, M., & Kirchhoff, C. (2017). Do mothers' socialization goals and ethnotheories drive their daily activities and responses to child temperament in 15 countries?. Poster session presented at AERA 2017: Annual Meeting the American Educational Research Association, San Antonio, Texas, United States.
    • Majdandzic, M., de Vente, W., & Bögels, S. M. (2017). Fathers’, but not mothers', challenging parenting behavior predicts less subsequent anxiety symptoms in fearful children. Paper presented at Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) 2017, Austin, Texas, United States.
    • Zeegers, M. A. J., de Vente, W., Nikolic, M., Colonnesi, C., Majdandzic, M., & Bögels, S. M. (2017). The influence of parental Mind-Mindedness on infants’ heart rate variability from 4 to 12 months. Poster session presented at Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) 2017, Austin, Texas, United States.


    • Acar, I., Joint Effort Toddler Temperament Consortium, & Majdandzic, M. (2016). Toddlers in their developmental niche: the association between toddlers' temperament and behavior problems across cultures. Poster session presented at International congress of Infant Studies, New Orleans, United States.
    • Majdandzic, M., & Joint Effort Toddler Temperament Consortium (2016). The relation between parents’ socialization goals and their reactions to their child’s temperament displays in 13 countries. Poster session presented at International congress of Infant Studies, New Orleans, United States.
    • Majdandzic, M., de Vente, W., & Bögels, S. M. (2016). Severity of fathers’ and mothers’ anxiety disorders predicts their observed parenting behavior. Paper presented at Annual Congress for the European Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy (EABCT), Stockholm, Sweden.
    • Metz, M., Majdandzic, M., & Bögels, S. M. (2016). Coparenting and child negative affectivity across early childhood: The moderating role of pre-birth marital quality. Paper presented at International Association for Relationship Research Conference (IARR), Toronto, Canada.
    • Möller, E. L., de Vente, W., Majdandzic, M., Field, A. P., & Bögels, S. M. (2016). The verbal information pathway to fear in children: the role of parental anxiety disorders and children’s behavioral inhibition. Paper presented at 46th European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies Congress (EABCT) 2016, Stockholm, Sweden.
    • Putnam, S. P., Joint Effort Toddler Temperament Consortium, & Majdandzic, M. (2016). Toddler temperament around the globe: a cross-cultural comparison of children from 13 cultures. Poster session presented at International Congress on Infant Studies, New Orleans, United States.
    • Zeegers, M. A. J., de Vente, W., Nikolic, M., Majdandzic, M., Colonnesi, C., & Bögels, S. M. (2016). The influence of mothers and fathers' mind-mindedness on infants' physiological emotion regulation across the first year of life. Paper presented at VNOP-ISED-CAS Research Days 2016.
    • de Vente, W., Majdandzic, M., & Bögels, S. M. (2016). Hyperarousal and less habituation as risk factors for anxiety development. Paper presented at Annual Congress for the European Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy (EABCT), Stockholm, Sweden.


    • Majdandzic, M., de Vente, W., & Bögels, S. M. (2015). Fathers’ social anxiety disorder predicts less challenging parenting behavior in toddlerhood. Poster session presented at Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research on Child Development (SRCD) 2015 , Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States.
    • Metz, M., Colonnesi, C., Majdandzic, M., & Bögels, S. M. (2015). Dynamics within the coparenting system: a micro level study on synchrony in the coparenting relationship. Paper presented at 17th European Conference for Developmental Psychology (ECDP) 2015, Braga, Portugal.
    • Möller, E. L., Nikolic, M., Majdandzic, M., de Vente, W., & Bögels, S. M. (2015). Associations between maternal and paternal parenting behavior and anxiety in early childhood: A meta-analysis. Poster session presented at Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research on Child Development (SRCD) 2015 , Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States.
    • de Vente, W., Majdandzic, M., & Bögels, S. M. (2015). Is social anxiety disorder in parents related to higher physiological arousal and arousability in their offspring?. Paper presented at Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research on Child Development (SRCD) 2015 , Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States.


    • Majdandžić, M., Kung, J. F., Lay, K. L., Suess, F., Putnam, S. P., & van Liempt, I. C. (2009). Cross-cultural investigation of temperament in early childhood using the Children’s Behavior Questionnaire. Poster session presented at Poster presented at the Biennial Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development.

    Prize / grant

    • van der Giessen, D. & Majdandžić, M. (2023). Catch me if you can! A study on the nature of physical play of children with hearing loss and their parents and its impact on social-emotional and motor development.

    Media appearance

    Journal editor

    • Majdandžić, M. (editor) (2022-2025). Parenting, Science and Practice (Journal).


    • Dunn, A., Alvarez, J., Arbon, A., Bremner, S., Elsby-Pearson, C., Emsley, R., Jones, C., Lawrence, P., Lester, K. J., Majdandžić, M., Morson, N., Perry, N., Simner, J., Thomson, A. & Cartwright-Hatton, S. (2024). Data from the 'Parenting with Anxiety' trial (2022). University of Sussex.
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