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M.G. (Mieke) Oldeman

Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Programme group: Developmental psychopathology

Visiting address
  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 127
Postal address
  • Postbus 15776
    1001 NG Amsterdam
Contact details
  • Profile

    Mieke Oldeman is a PhD candidate on the interdisciplinary project ‘Empowering vulnerable youth to use social media as an information source on their mental health issues’. In this project, we focus on how adolescents and emerging adults with depression- and anxiety-related complaints use online short videos (OSVs, e.g. TikTok) to seek help for their complaints. Using a variety of research designs, we will examine to what extent, under what circumstances and for whom mental health information in OSVs may be beneficial or detrimental. The findings will be used to develop and test a brief intervention to improve mental well-being in youth.

    Mieke’s project is part of the Research Priority Area Youth Digitality. For more information on this Research Priority Area, visit the website: Youth Digitality - University of Amsterdam (

  • Publications


    • Oldeman, M. G., Cillessen, A. H. N., & van den Berg, Y. H. M. (2023). Friendships in emerging adulthood: The role of parental and friendship attachment representations and intimacy. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. Advance online publication.


    • Oldeman, M. G. (2024). TikToxic or TikDoc? A Qualitative Study about Adolescents' Social Media Use for Mental Health Complaints. Abstract from 38th Annual Conference of the European Health Psychology Society, Cascais, Portugal.
    • Oldeman, M. G. (2024). TikToxic or TikDoc? A Qualitative Study about Adolescents’ Social Media Use for Their Mental Health Complaints. Abstract from Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap 2024, Rotterdam, Netherlands.
    • Oldeman, M. G. (2024). TikToxic or TikDoc? A Qualitative Study about Adolescents’ Social Media Use for Their Mental Health Complaints. Poster session presented at International Conference on Urban Mental Health 2024, Amsterdam.


    • Oldeman, M. G. (2023). Geestelijke Gezondheid bij Adolescenten in het Digitale Tijdperk: Onderzoek naar de rol van Sociale Media en Online Korte Video's bij het Zoeken naar Ondersteuning en Informatie. Abstract from ACHC Fall Symposium 2023, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
    • Oldeman, M. G. (2023). TikToxic or TikDoc? A Qualitative Study about Adolescents’ Social Media Use for Their Mental Health Complaints. Poster session presented at VNOP-CAS Research Days 2023, Utrecht.


    • Oldeman, M. G. (participant) (28-2-2024 - 29-2-2024). EHPS Winter School: "Health Psychology in the Age of Social Media", Amsterdam (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
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  • Ancillary activities
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