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Dr. G.M. (Geerte) Savenije

Assistant Professor
Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Programme group:
Area of expertise: Controversy and sensitive historical topics, Historical perspective taking, Learning history in museums and heritage institutions
Photographer: Ron Koffeman

Visiting address
  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 127
  • Room number: D8.24
Postal address
  • Postbus 15776
    1001 NG Amsterdam
Contact details
Social media
  • Profile

    As an assistant professor in the research group 'Domain Specific Learning' of the Research Institute of Child Development and Education at the University of Amsterdam, I conduct research in the learning and teaching of history in secondary education. My key interests are: controversy and sensitive historical topics, the skill of historical perspective taking and learning history in museums and heritage institutions.

    Next to my research activities, I work as a teacher trainer at the Graduate School of Child Development and Education (ILO) at the University of Amsterdam. Together with Maartje van der Eem, I coordinate the UvA/VU history teachers network, where we are organising meetings, museum visits and lectures.

    Media appearances




  • Research


    ’Perspectives on the future’: developing social studies teacher-educators’ pedagogical knowledge for stimulating ethical reasoning and moral judgment in classroom dialogues

    • Gerhard Stoel (project leader), Geerte Savenije, Floor Rombout and Paulien Meijer

    In this design-based research, fifteen social studies teacher-educators from five universities join a Design lab to develop Educational Curriculum Materials (ECM’s) and pedagogical knowledge to support future teachers and students in secondary education in conducting classroom dialogues aimed at integrating these skills. 

    Teaching critical thinking about controversial issues: the potential of an integrative approach 

    • Stephan Venmans (PhD student), Saskia Arbon (PhD student), Jaap Schuitema, Tessa van Schijndel, Geerte Savenije and Carla van Boxtel (project leader)

    This project aims to develop and test an integrative approach towards the teaching of critical thinking about controversial issues (integrating general critical thinking skills, subject-specific skills and knowledge and moral reasoning skills) in history and science education. 

    Historical narratives and sensitive histories in Dutch history classrooms 

    • Gijs van Gaans (PhD student), Geerte Savenije, Arnoud-Jan Bijsterveld and Carla van Boxtel 

    Using a method used in spiritual counselling, this study examines the narrative plots students (fourth year of secondary education) and teachers use to bring these together into meaningful narratives to orient themselves in their current world and to their future when discussing sensitive histories.

    Reasoning about societal problems: design and implementation of instructional approaches in social science education 

    • Thomas Klijnstra (PhD student), Geerte Savenije and Carla van Boxtel 

    This project focuses on the design and implementation of (educative) curriculum materials that support both student and teacher learning to promote social scientific reasoning about social problems.

    Stimulating empathy in history education 

    • Hanneke Bartelds (PhD student), Geerte Savenije and Carla van Boxtel 

    Using eye witnesses in the classroom, this project focuses on the contribution of history education to students' understanding and appreciation of empathy. 

    Dialogic teaching of sensitive historical topics 

    • Bregje Prent, Jannet van Drie, Geerte Savenije and Carla van Boxtel

    This project studies teachers' dialogic teaching about sensitive historical topics, focusing on their discussion of multiple perspectives and the ethical dimension of the topics. 

    Objects in perspective: using questions in museums to start discussion about sensitive topics in the history classroom 

    • Pieter de Bruijn, Geerte Savenije, Albert Logtenberg, Guido Goijens and Timo Epping

    This project developed a domain-specific teacher-training that focuses on the asking of historical questions to museum objects in three dimensions of time to show that the ways in which topics are considered to be sensitive changes over time and context.

    ISCH Cost Action IS1205 researchers network ‘Social psychological dynamics of historical representations in the enlarged European Union’

    Within this COST Action network we studied history teachers' perceptions of and experiences with the teaching of sensitive historical topics in 10 countries across Europe.


    Project: Adapting the Bovenland paradigm for adolescents and to use as a pedagogical tool’ (together with Thomas Klijnstra and Allard Feddes)

  • Teaching & PhD supervision


    • Keuzemodule Democratie, acutaliteit en controverse in de klas. Hoe elke vakdocent bijdraagt aan burgerschap
    • Pedagogiek en Algemene Didactiek A 
    • Pedagogiek en Algemene Didactiek B
    • Educatief Ontwerpen
    • Master thesis tweejarige master Educatie en Communicatie 
    • Onderwijspraktijk B 
    • Onderwijspraktijk C

    PhD supervision

    • Thomas Klijnstra
    • Gijs van Gaans
    • Stephan Venmans
    • Saskia Arbon

    Begeleidingscommissie (België)

    • Brent Geerts
  • Publications



    • Klijnstra, T., Stoel, G. L., Savenije, G. M., & van Boxtel, C. A. M. (2024). Teachers' professional growth in teaching students’ social scientific reasoning. Teaching and Teacher Education, 152, Article 104783.
    • Klijnstra, T., Stoel, G., Ruijs, G. J. F., Savenije, G. M., & van Boxtel, C. A. M. (2024). Design Principles for Promoting Students’ Social Scientific Reasoning About Social Problems. The Journal of Social Studies Research, 48(3), 204-217. Advance online publication.
    • Logtenberg, A., Savenije, G. M., de Bruijn, P., Epping, T., & Goijens, G. (2024). Teaching sensitive topics: Training history teachers in collaboration with the museum. Historical Encounters: A journal of historical consciousness, historical cultures, and history education, 11(1), 43-59.






    • Goldberg, T., & Savenije, G. M. (2018). Teaching Controversial Historical Issues. In S. A. Metzger, & L. McArthur Harris (Eds.), The Wiley International Handbook of History Teaching and Learning (pp. 503-526). (The Wiley Handbooks in Education). Wiley Blackwell. [details]



    • Savenije, G. M. (2016). An intriguing historical trace or heritage? Learning about another person’s heritage in an exhibition addressing the Second World War. In C. van Boxtel, M. Grever, & S. Klein (Eds.), Sensitive Pasts: Questioning Heritage in Education (pp. 218-239). (Making sense of history; Vol. 27). Berghahn. [details]



    • Savenije, G. M. (2011). Discussion in chains. Pupils' ideas about slavery heritage. In C. A. M. van Boxtel, S. R. E. Klein, & E. Snoep (Eds.), Heritage education. Challenges in dealing with the past (pp. 32-39). Erfgoed Nederland.


    • de Bruijn, P., & Savenije, G. M. (2022). Historische inleving in het museum. Hermes, 26(1), 32-36. [details]



    • Logtenberg, A., de Bruijn, P., Epping, T., Goijens, G., & Savenije, G. (2020). Objecten in perspectief: Vragen in het museum als opening voor het bespreken van gevoelige onderwerpen in de geschiedenisles. Dimensies : tijdschrift voor didactiek van de mens- en maatschappijvakken, 1, 4-23. [details]
    • Wansink, B., Logtenberg, A., Savenije, G., Storck, E., & Pelgrom, A. (2020). Come fare lezione su gli aspetti ancora vivi e sensibili della storia passata? La rete delle prospettive., 14, Article 342. [details]


    • Janssenswillen, P., Wansink, B., & Savenije, G. M. (2019). Multiperspectiviteit als vliegwiel voor historisch denken. Hermes : tijdschrift voor geschiedenis, 23(2), 15-20. [details]
    • Savenije, G., Logtenberg, A., & Wansink, B. (2019). Conflicterende perspectieven in het klaslokaal: Onderzoek naar gevoelige geschiedenis. Kleio. Tijdschrift van de Vereniging van Docenten in Geschiedenis en Staatsinrichting in Nederland, 60(5), 4-7. [details]




    • van Boxtel, C., de Bruijn, P., Grever, M., Klein, S., & Savenije, G. (2010). Dicht bij het verleden: wat kunnen erfgoedlessen bijdragen aan het leren van geschiedenis? Kleio, 51(7), 18-21. [details]


    • Klijnstra, T., Stoel, G., Ruijs, G. J. F., Savenije, G. M., & van Boxtel, C. A. M. (2023). Educative curriculum materials that can promote students’ social scientific reasoning. Paper presented at EARLI, Thessaloniki, Greece.
    • Klijnstra, T., Stoel, G., Savenije, G. M., & van Boxtel, C. A. M. (2023). De professionele groei van docenten in het onderwijzen van sociaalwetenschappelijk redeneren. Paper presented at Onderwijs Research Dagen 2023, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
    • Klijnstra, T., Stoel, G., Savenije, G. M., & van Boxtel, C. A. M. (2023). Teachers' professional growth in teaching social scientific reasoning. Poster session presented at EARLI, Thessaloniki, Greece.
    • Savenije, G. M. (2023). Educating for democracy. Teaching and learning domain-specific reasoning to discuss social issues. Paper presented at EARLI, Thessaloniki, Greece.


    • Bartelds, H., Savenije, G. M., & van Boxtel, C. A. M. (2022). Using eyewitnesses to promote students’ empathy in the history classroom. Paper presented at AERA, San Diego.
    • Klijnstra, T., Ruijs, G. J. F., Stoel, G. L., Savenije, G. M., & van Boxtel, C. A. M. (2022). From Gut to Mind: Towards a Learning Progression of Students Social Scientific Reasoning. Paper presented at AERA, San Diego, United States.
    • Klijnstra, T., Ruijs, G. J. F., Stoel, G. L., Savenije, G. M., & van Boxtel, C. A. M. (2022). Making reasoning about social problems sustainable - Educative curriculum materials to promote students’ social scientific reasoning. Paper presented at EARLI SIG13 conference 'Creating Democratic Societies – Making Democracy Sustainable, Kristiansand, Norway.
    • Klijnstra, T., Stoel, G. L., Ruijs, G. J. F., Savenije, G. M., & van Boxtel, C. A. M. (2022). Van onderbuik naar verstand: de ontwikkeling van een progressiemodel voor het sociaalwetenschappelijk redeneren van leerlingen. Paper presented at Onderwijs Research Dagen 2022.
    • van Drie, J. P., Prent, B., Savenije, G. M., & van Boxtel, C. A. M. (2022). Fostering students’ historical reasoning in classroom discourse – a multi-perspective case study.. Paper presented at EARLI SIG 20-26 Conference, Utrecht, Netherlands.


    • Logtenberg, A., Savenije, G. M., de Bruijn, P., Epping, T., & Goijens, G. (2020). Teaching sensitive topics: Training history teachers in collaboration with the museum. Paper presented at AERA 2020: Annual Meeting the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, California, United States.


    • Savenije, G. M., & Goldberg, T. (2019). Silences in a climate of voicing: Teachers’ perceptions of silencing sensitive historical issues. 233. Paper presented at 18th biennial conference of the European Association for Research in Learning and Instruction (EARLI 2019), Aachen, Germany.
    • Savenije, G. M., Wansink, B., & Logtenberg, A. (2019). Epistemology and social identity in history teachers’ experiences with teaching sensitive issues. 80. Paper presented at 18th biennial conference of the European Association for Research in Learning and Instruction (EARLI 2019), Aachen, Germany.


    • Savenije, G. M., Wansink, B., & Logtenberg, A. (2018). Teaching sensitive issues in History education. Teachers’ experiences, epistemological and moral beliefs and perceptions of students’ social identities. Paper presented at AERA 2018: Annual Meeting the American Educational Research Association, New York City, New York, United States.


    • Savenije, G. M. (2017). Adopting a historical perspective regarding sensitive topics in history. Paper presented at AERA 2017: Annual Meeting the American Educational Research Association, San Antonio, Texas, United States.


    • Savenije, G. M. (2016). Taking the other perspective in sensitive topicsTeachers’ beliefs and pupils’ responses in class. Paper presented at Final COST ACTION IS1205 Conference: Agents through Time: How Do People “Make History”?, Limerick, Ireland.


    • Savenije, G. M., & van Boxtel, C. A. M. (2015). Stimulating critical reflection on sensitive heritage in urban classrooms during musem visits. Paper presented at JURE 2015 (Junior researchers' pre-conference of EARLI), Limassol, Cyprus.
    • Savenije, G. M., & van Boxtel, C. A. M. (2015). Stimulating critical reflection on sensitive heritage in urban classrooms during museum visits. Paper presented at 16th Biennial conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI) 2015, Limassol, Cyprus.

    Prize / grant

    • van Boxtel, C., Schuitema, J., van Schijndel, T. & Savenije, G. (2021). Teaching critical thinking about controversial issues: the potential of an integrative approach.
    • Savenije, G. M. (2014). 'Best PhD thesis of the year 2014' by the Erasmus Graduate School of Social Sciences and the Humanities.
    • Savenije, G. M. (2009). 'Best Master’s Thesis Presentation 2009' by the Graduate School of Education of the Radboud University Nijmegen.

    Membership / relevant position

    • Savenije, G. & van der Eem, M. (2022-2023). Coördinator Vaksteunpunt Geschiedenis, Alfa-gammapartners.
    • Savenije, G. (2017-2018). Member of the advisory board of the educational project 'Dansen met de vijand', Funded by the Roosje Glaser Foundation.
    • Savenije, G. (2015-2016). Member of the ISCH Cost Action IS1205 researchers network ‘Social psychological dynamics of historical representations in the enlarged European Union’, COST network funding (EU Framework Programme Horizon 2020).

    Media appearance

    Talk / presentation

    • Savenije, G. (speaker) (3-11-2023). Lesgeven over controversiële thema’s, Nascholing ‘Omgaan met desinformatie in de klas’, georganiseerd door Duitsland Instituut Amsterdam, Vereniging voor Geschiedenisleraren Nederland en Anne Frank Stichting, Hilversum.
    • Savenije, G. (speaker) & van der Eem, M. (speaker) (9-6-2023). Didactiseren van perspectieven op (de)kolonisatie, Vakbijeenkomst in het Scheepvaartmuseum: perspectieven op (de)kolonisatie, Amsterdam.
    • Savenije, G. (speaker) (15-5-2023). Objecten in perspectief voor gevoelige onderwerpen, Radboud Docenten Academie, Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen.
    • Savenije, G. (speaker), Logtenberg, A. (speaker) & Wansink, B. (speaker) (27-3-2023). Standbeeldgebondenheid in het Wereldmuseum Leiden, Nationale LIO-dag geschiedenis.
    • Savenije, G. (speaker) (9-3-2023). Zo gevoelig als dit nu is, was het tot nog toe nooit, Vakoverstijgende bijeenkomst AlfaGammapartners.
    • Savenije, G. (speaker) (9-3-2023). Omgaan met gevoelige onderwerpen in de klas, Vakoverstijgende bijeenkomst AlfaGammapartners.
    • Savenije, G. (speaker) & Gelinck, C. (speaker) (26-1-2023). Actualiteit en controverse, Conferentie Samen Opleiden.
    • Savenije, G. (speaker) (2-12-2022). Multiperspectiviteit rond betekenisgeving: Dynamiek in de tijd.
    • Savenije, G. (speaker) (30-9-2022). Standbeeldgebondenheid: objecten in perspectief bij controversiële thema’s in de klas, Nascholingsconferentie geschiedenis, Radboud Universiteit, Nijmegen.
    • Savenije, G. (speaker) (26-9-2022). Dutch history teachers' perceptions of teaching the topic of Islam while balancing distance and proximity.
    • van Drie, J. (speaker), Prent, B. (speaker), Savenije, G. (speaker) & van Boxtel, C. (speaker) (14-8-2022). Fostering students’ historical reasoning in classroom discourse – a multi-perspective case study, EARLI SIG 20-26 Conference, Utrecht.
    • Savenije, G. (speaker) (16-5-2022). Gevoelige onderwerpen in de geschiedenisles. Afstand en nabijheid op relatie, identiteit en bronnen van kennis, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.
    • Logtenberg, A. (speaker), Savenije, G. (speaker) & Wansink, B. (speaker) (28-3-2022). Controverse in de klas; afstand of nabijheid?, Nationale LIO-dag geschiedenis.
    • Savenije, G. (speaker) (24-1-2020). Standbeeldgebondenheid: objecten in perspectief bij controversiële thema’s in de klas, Nascholing geschiedenis ILO-UvA, Amsterdam.
    • Savenije, G. (speaker) (4-10-2019). Lesgeven over controversiële thema’s. Betekenis van het Nederlands slavernijverleden, Onderwijsmiddag voor de opening van de Grote Suriname Tentoonstelling, Amsterdam.
    • Savenije, G. (speaker) (3-10-2019). Lesgeven over controversiële thema's, Dag van de Geschiedenisdidactiek 2019, Groningen.
    • Savenije, G. (speaker) (2-2-2019). Lesgeven over controversiële thema’s, Docentendag Maatschappijleer 2019, Den Haag.
    • Savenije, G. (speaker) (31-1-2019). Dutch teachers' and pupils' moral and epistemological beliefs when changing perspectives on sensitive history, The Sensitive Past in History and Heritage Education: Italy & the Netherlands, Rome.
    • Savenije, G. (invited speaker) (1-12-2017). Lesgeven over gevoelige onderwerpen: Empathie, multiperspectiviteit in dialoog, 'Gevoelig erfgoed in perspectief’, organised by Meesterschap Cultuureducatie, The Hague.
    • Savenije, G. (invited speaker) (22-11-2017). De Tweede Wereldoorlog: over ‘ons’ oorlogserfgoed, Meeting of the advisory board of the educational project ‘Dansen met de vijand’, Utrecht.
    • Savenije, G. (invited speaker) (15-5-2017). Gevoelig erfgoed in de geschiedenisles. Perspectief, empathie en standplaatsgebondenheid, RUG Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.
    • Savenije, G. M. (speaker) (16-1-2015). Een erfgoedproject over WOII: begrijpen wat erfgoed is, Lezing bij de Spoorzoekersbijeenkomst - Professionele Leergemeenschap (PLG) van de Universiteit Leiden, Leiden, NL.
    • Savenije, G. M. (speaker) (24-11-2014). Leeropbrengsten van een erfgoedproject over WOII: Begrijpen wat erfgoed is, Onderzoeksconferentie Cultuureducatie [Research Conference on Cultural Education] organised by LKCA (Landelijk Kennisinstituut Cultuureducatie en Amateurkunst), Utrecht, The Netherlands.
    • Savenije, G. M. (invited speaker) (14-10-2014). Erfgoed in de geschiedenisles, Gastcollege Hogeschool Rotterdam, Rotterdam.
    • Savenije, G. (speaker) (11-3-2014). Objects and the attribution of significance. ‘Our’ heritage of the War in a multicultural classroom, Leren van de Oorlog. Honderd lessen over de Tweede Wereldoorlog, Rotterdam.
    • Savenije, G. M. (speaker) (6-6-2013). Learning about heritage of WWII in multicultural classrooms, International conference 'Tangible pasts? Questioning heritage education', organised by the Centre for Historical Culture and LKCA (Landelijk Kennisinstituut Cultuureducatie en Amateurkunst), Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
    • Savenije, G. M. (speaker) (28-4-2013). Imagining the slavery past and attributing significance using heritage, Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA 2013), San Francisco, CA.
    • van Boxtel, C. A. M. (speaker) & Savenije, G. (speaker) (5-11-2012). Erfgoed als primaire bron voor instructie: verbeelden, onderzoeken en betekenis geven, Presentatie op de Landelijke Netwerkdag Erfgoededucatie, Lelystad, NL.
    • Savenije, G. M. (speaker) (12-7-2012). Between identity and identification: sensitive heritage in a multicultural classroom, Fourth Annual Conference van het Centre for Learner Identity Studies (Edge Hill University), Liverpool, United Kingdom.
    • Savenije, G. M. (speaker) (20-9-2011). Learning about slavery heritage. Students’ entrance narratives and their experiences in a museum, Annual Conference of the International Committee for Education and Cultural Action of the International Council of Museums (ICOM-CECA), Zagreb, Croatia.
    • Savenije, G. M. (speaker) (31-8-2011). Learning about slavery heritage. Students’ entrance narratives and their ideas on significance, 14th biennial conference of the European Association for Research in Learning and Instruction (EARLI), Exeter, United Kingdom.
    • van Boxtel, C. A. M. (speaker) & Savenije, G. (speaker) (7-4-2010). Erfgoededucatie in de multiculturele klas, Presentatie op de Conferentie Pabonetwerken Natuur, Milieu & Techniek, Aardrijkskunde en Geschiedenis: De Rijke Leeromgeving, Utrecht.



    • Savenije, G. M. (2014). Sensitive History under Negotiation: Pupils' Historical Imagination and Attribution of Significance while Engaged in Heritage Projects. [Thesis, internally prepared, Erasmus University Rotterdam. Awarded ‘Best PhD thesis of the year 2014’ by the Erasmus Graduate School of Social Sciences and the Humanities].
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  • Ancillary activities
    • Stichting Geluk