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Dr S. (Süleyman) Turşucu

Teaching methodologist in physics and science education researcher
Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Powl Docenten ILO

Visiting address
  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 127
Postal address
  • Postbus 15776
    1001 NG Amsterdam
Contact details
  • Profile

    Süleyman Turşucu studied physics at Leiden University, after which he obtained his teaching qualification at Utrecht University. He has been serving as a senior physics teacher for a considerable period of time. In addition to his teaching role, he earned his doctoral degree in 2019 from Delft University of Technology, focusing on improving the application of mathematics in physics in senior pre-university education.

    Currently, he is employed as a physics teacher at Wolfert Bilingual in Rotterdam. Furthermore, he holds positions as a teaching methodologist in physics and as a researcher in science education at the University of Amsterdam.

    Although his doctoral degree is at the intersection of mathematics and physics in secondary education, he has become increasingly interested in citizenship education in upper secondary education. Specifically, the focus lies on enhancing the refutation of false information on social media through reasoned argumentation. In addition to knowledge and skills from the curriculum, critical thinking and the formulation of reasoned arguments play a significant role.

    Research expertise

    • Critical thinking
    • Citizenship education
    • Digital literacy
    • False information in social media
    • Pedagogical content knowledge
    • Students' problem solving
    • Symbol sense
    • Secondary education
    • Teachers' beliefs
    • Transfer of learning
  • Research

    Research methods

    • Various qualitative and quantitative research methods

    Current research methods

    Currently, a book titled 'Dealing with Misinformation in Social Media: Lesson Ideas for the Classroom' is being edited under his supervision. This project involves the contribution of 20 authors.

    Research grants & honours

    • Teacher Promotion Grant from The Dutch Research Council (2014 - 2019)


    An interdisciplinary collaboration dedicated to advancing citizenship education in the upper levels of havo and vwo. This initiative aims to equip students with the necessary knowledge and skills to navigate a changing society. Specifically, the emphasis is on countering misinformation in social media through a well-informed argument. This argument draws upon insights from the curriculum, empowering students to construct structured arguments. This not only involves cultivating argumentative and digital skills but also underscores the role of critical thinking in analyzing information contextually and assessing its accuracy. Additionally, the initiative seeks to enhance teachers' pedagogical content knowledge, contributing to a comprehensive approach that empowers students and elevates the capabilities of teachers in promoting responsible and informed citizenship.

  • Teaching

    As a teaching methodologist in physics, I am engaged in training students to become physics teachers. I teach courses to students in the Bachelor's and Master's programs in physics. The subjects covered include Pedagogical Content Knowledge 1 (Vakdidactiek 1), Pedagogical Content Knowledge 2 (Vakdidactiek 2), and the supervision of master's theses within the scope of the course Educational Design.

  • Publications


    • Turşucu, S., & Jonker, M. (2024). Fostering Citizenship: Systematic Refutation of False Information in Social Media by Senior Pre-University Physics Students Using a Pedagogical Tool. . In In Conference Proceedings. New Perspectives in Science Education 2024. Filodiritto Editore.


    • Turşucu, S., Spandaw, J., & de Vries, M. J. (2020). The Effectiveness of Activation of Prior Mathematical Knowledge During Problem-solving in Physics. EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 16(4), Article em1837.





    • Turşucu, S., & Jonker, M. (2023). Developing a Pedagogical Tool to Refute False Information on Social Media in Secondary Physics Education. Paper presented at Transformations in Education Policy and Culture: Teacher Education and School Creation in the Anthropocene, Vilnius, Lithuania.


    • Turşucu, S. (2019). Successful transfer of algebraic skills from mathematics into physics in senior pre-university education.
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  • Ancillary activities
    No ancillary activities