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Prof. dr. E.M.W.J. (Lisbeth) Utens

Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Programme group: Developmental psychopathology

Visiting address
  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 127
Postal address
  • Postbus 15776
    1001 NG Amsterdam
Contact details
  • Profile

    Lisbeth Utens is professor by special appointment of Cognitive behavioural therapy for children and adolescents at the University of Amsterdam.


    • Clinical and child psychologist, CBT supervisor
    • Cognitive behavorial therapy
    • Child anxiety
    • OCD
    • Tics
    • Misophonia and pediatric somatic conditions

    Research activities

    • Developing and testing innovative cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) protocols and  assessment instruments (questionnaires) for children, adolescents and their parents as to: anxiety disorders (specifically selective mutism
    • Obsessive-compulsive disorders
    • Tics
    • Misophonia and somatic disorders (e.g. visible anomalies)
    • The CBT treatments encompass individual child, parent stand-alone, e-Health and VR interventions. Research by RCTs , recently SCED designs.

    Other activities 

    Congress (co) organization

    • Member organizing committee of Dutch VGCT conference (Yearly 207- now)
    • Member organizing committee of Dutch Pediatric Network, Utrecht, 31 Oct. 2019.
    • Member organizing committee of the European Pediatric Psychology Conference, Gent, België (20-21 September 2018).
    • Host / organizer 2016 International Psychosocial Meeting AEPC (European Assoc. Ped. Cardiol)
    •  2nd International Paediatric Psychology Conference Europe, 2014. President/ chair, Lecture Utens
    • First International Paediatric Psychology Conference in Europe: 21-22 June 2012 in Oxford, UK
    • Congres: Behandeling Centraal Rotterdam.  Voorzitter/inhoudelijke organisatie. 19 juni 2009.

    Media attention

    For a complete overview of media appearances, check out the CV. 

    •  international peer reviewed articles 215
    • vakpublicaties   41   (Books and chapters)
    • populairwetenschappelijke publicaties  45
    • congresbijdragen  > 240
    • Supervised theses  17



  • Research

    Research methods

    • Validation of assessment instruments
    • RTCS and SCED designs
    • Effectiveness of innovative CBT protocols
    • Child anxiety, OCD, tics, misophonia, pediatric somatic conditions

    Current research projects

    • Selective mutism in children, PhD project  
      A randomized controlled trial (RCT) into the effectiveness of an innovative behavioral school-based treatment protocol. Validation study to establish a validated selective mutism questionnaire. PhD student C. Rodrigues Pereira, Defense: 202
    • Effectiveness of Tackle your Tics
      RCT into a brief, four-day group behaviour  treatment (exposure and response prevention, coping workshops). PhD student: A. Heijerman.
    • Misophonia
      RCT into an innovative CBT and psychomotor group treatment protocol for misophonia, specifically for children. Validation of  misophonia questionnaires. PhD student: Lotte Rappoldt. 
    • Effectiveness of SPACE (Supportive Parenting for Anxious Childhood Emotions)
      Parent stand-alone therapy for children with OCD. Validation of family accommodation questionnaires. PhD student: Juul Veeger.

    Current cooperations

    • Prof. Eli Lebowitz (New Haven, USA)
    • Prof. Susanne Walitza (Universitatsklnik Zuric, Switzerland)


    For a complete overview of her publications, please check out her CV. 

  • Teaching

    Teaching activities 


    1996- present:    Supervising 6 at present psychology PhD students (CR, AH, SvO,MM, JH, MvD; 13 completed)
    2002- present:    Supervising psychology master students (  9master research theses, and as co-therapists during psychotherapeutic treatment of children with anxiety disorders, >7). 
    2002- present:    Supervising and training health- and clinical psychologists in CBT protocols for children with anxiety disorders and inflammatory bowel disease. 
    2014-present:     Supervising clinical psychologists in training in their research projects (2 Rotterdam, 1 Amsterdam)

    Lectures UvA – de Bascule

    2018-present        lectures for education Child psychiatrist (maand referaat):  1 /2  per year
    2018-present        yearly 2-hour lecture bachelor students on anxiety disorders, POW-UvA
    2017-present        3-hour lecture on treating (CBT) anxiety disorders and OCD, master students POW-UvA yearly 3-hour lecture on anxiety for child psychiatrist in training, (Triversum-Bascule)

    Developing Education courses

    • For the Bascule

    2017-present        Education for psychiatrists in training on childhood anxiety

    • For ErasmusMC

    2010-present    Minoren-onderwijs congenital defects, medical bachelor students, 2 hour session, 0.5 ECT
            Theme: Psychological treatment and research into patients with congenital heart disease
    2009-present:    Minoren-onderwijs congenital heart disease, medical bachelor students. 3 hour session/year: 0.75 ECT. Psychosocial functioning of children/adolescents with congenital heart disease
    2007- present:    Post graduate course (PAOK),  for pediatricians, 0.5 session hour/year.                    Theme: Quality of life in congenital heart disease patients
    2004- present:    COEUR PhD course, dept. of Cardiology, Erasmus University, 0,5-1 hour/year. 0.25 ECT. 
            Theme: psychological aspects of congenital heart disease
    1989- 2006:        Supervising medical bachelor students writing theses (2e jaars keuze-onderwijs). 
                    3 weeks, 21 hours/year. 5.22 ECT

    Developing for external institutions

    2008- 2015:    Free-lance teacher psychotherapy educational specialization, RINO groep Utrecht.
            Theme: childhood anxiety disorders, 7 or 14 hours/year 
    2006- present:    Training school counsellors, school psychologists and prevention workers, implementing a cognitive behavioural programme (FRIENDS and FUN FRIENDS) in classrooms to prevent anxiety and depression in children. 3 hours sessions, > 10 times.

    Lecturing Erasmus University/Bascule

    2017-2018    Supervising child-psychiatrist in training into cognitive behavioral therapy
    2008- present:    Supervising psychologists, specializing to become Health Psychologist or Clinical Psychologist. 
            1 hour/week supervision each. From 2016 onward also on the Bascule
    1989- present:        Vaardigheden onderwijs: childhood development/ psychopathology, medical bachelor students, Dept. of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. 2 x 2 hour sessions/year.  2 x 2 SBU’s .
    1984-1989        Practicum Klinische Vaardigheden: teaching communication skills, medical master students Dept. of Medical Psychology. 10 weeks, 3 hours /week, yearly. 7,5 ECT

    Basic teaching qualification

    2010            Teach-the-teacher training for associated professors (BKO) Erasmus University

  • Grants


    • Royla honour: officer in the order of Oranje Nassau

    Grant allocation

    Grant author / Principal investigator



    Innovatieve diagnostiek en behandeling van misofonie bij kinderen en

     jeugdigen: een nieuwe psychiatrische stoornis. Fonds SGS
    €  150.000


    Tackle Your Tics:  RCT naar korte intensieve tic-behandeling Vaillant fonds    

    €   5.000


    Feasibility  study into omega 3 in patients with anorexia nervosa. FUNDL LvE €  12.500


    Feasibility study into therapy protocol Tackle your Tics, British patient organization Tourettes Action UK.

    €  33.414


    Innovation of diagnostics and treatment of selective mutism: towards            personalized care. Fonds Stichting Gezondheidszorg Spaarneland (SGS)

    €  185.000


    Virtual Reality to prepare children for MRI/CT scans, Coolsingel

    €  20.000


    Pilot study: influence of anticholinergic medication on cognition in children
    with urologic problems. Applicants: Scheepe, Utens et al.    wie
    €  36.000


    An E-health parental communication training to reduce anxiety in children

    Vaillant fonds 

    €    5.000


    Extra co-financing 4 year PhD project (Utens and Escher),  Reduction of emotional distress to improve quality of life and to prevent relapse in adolescents with inflammatory bowel disease. 

    €    20.000


    Virtual reality to prepare children for surgery: effects on anxiety and pain.

    Stichting Coolsingel

    Stichting THEIA


    €    72.000

     in revision


    The CHIP Family project for young children with congenital heart disease

    Fonds Nuts Ohra

    €  176.000

    2014 - 2015:

    Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) in children with a medically-related trauma: a randomized controlled trial.   

    Accepted by: Innovatiefonds June 2014

    VEN (Vereniging EMDR Nederland), cofounding  April 2015

    Stichting Hartenkind, all earnings form Damloop, Sept 2015


    €  190.000

    €    15.000

    €    80.000


    Cofinancing 4 year PhD project,  Main applicants:   1) Utens,  2) Escher total:  

    Reduction of emotional distress to improve quality of life and to prevent relapse in adolescents with inflammatory bowel disease

    Total €  602.1500 was financed by 5 separate funders:

    Stichting THEIA

    Fonds Nuts Ohra



    €  196.650

    €  175.000


    Crohn and Colitis Ulcerosa Foundation

    Rotary Dordrecht

    Erasmus-MC Sophia SSWO Lichtjes voor Sophia

    €    80.000

    €     500

    €   150.000      

    2010 - 2012 :

    Postdoc, 2 year, 1 fte, Stichting Sophia Kinderziekenhuis Fonds

    Start-funding Pediatric Psychology-research. Applicants: Utens, Verhulst

    €  150.000

    2010 - 2013:

    Ph.D. project, 1.5 year grant, 1 fte, Stichting Coolsingel,

    Long-term psychosocial outcomes, gender-specific Quality of life and
    sexual functioning in adults operated for congenital heart disease in early
    childhood: a longitudinal cohort study of 30-43 years follow-up.

    €    80.000

    2008 - present:

    Ph.D. project, 4 year grant, 1 fte, Adriaanstichting.

    Exercise training in congenital heart disease: is it effective and safe and
    does it improve quality of life? 

    € 150.000

    2004 - 2006:

    Ph.D. project, 2 year grant, 1 fte, Dutch Brain Foundation, 14F6.03

    Long-term outcome of septic shock in children: a medical and psychological
    cohort study in children and their parents.

    €   25.000

    2002 - 2005:

    Ph.D. project, 3 year grant, 1 fte,  “Doctors for Children”, the Netherlands

    Quality of Life long-term after correction of congenital heart disease in early
    childhood: a cardiological and psychosocial follow-up in a recent cohort

    € 200.000

    1999 - 2002:

    Ph.D. project, 3 year grant, 1 fte, Netherlands Heart Foundation NHS-99.033

    Quality of Life long-term after surgical correction for congenial heart disease in
    early childhood: a continuation of follow-up of cardiological and psychosocial outcome.

    Dfl. 480.000

    1997 - 1998:

    Netherlands Heart Foundation, 1 year grant, 1 fte, NHS-92.353, continuation.

    Influence of age at elective cardiac surgery for ConHD on the psychosocial
    development of children and the adjustment of their parents. Follow-up grant

    Dfl.   64.000
    1993 - 1997

    Netherlands Heart Foundation NHS-92.353   , grant: 4 years psychologist: 0.6 fte, 3 years research assistant 1 fte.                                                                 

    Influence of age at elective cardiac surgery for ConHD on the psychosocial
    development of children and the adjustment of their parents

    Dfl. 250.000

    Co-applicant/ Principal investigator:



    3 Year feasibility/RCT study: Online intervention to bolster emotional resilience in
    youth with visible anomalies. Fund Nuts Ohra   
                € 202.004


    Ph.D. Project Size Matters, ZonMW             € 250.000


    Ph.D. project, grant 4 year, 1 fte, SSWO: 250.000

    Long-term outcome of caloric restriction during the first week of paediatric critical illness  PEPaNIC – Follow-up. Applicant: S. Verbruggen.

                € 250.000


    Ph.D. project, grant 4 year, 1 fte, SSWO: 250.000.

    Improvement of (working)memory, attention and concentration in survivors of neonatal intensive care:  a randomized controlled trial. Applicant:  H. Ijsselstijn.

                € 250.000


    Ph.D. project, grant 4 year, 1 fte, SSWO (Sophia Stichting Wetenschap Onderzoek)

    Web-based attention bias modification treatment for childhood anxiety disorders: a randomized, double-blind, controlled trial  Applicant: J. Legerstee

                € 270.000

    2011 - present:

    Stichting Hartekind, 2 year grant, 20 and 24 hours/week.

    Psychological care for children with congenital heart defects and their parents. Applicants: prof. dr. W. Helbing, dr. E. Utens 

                € 109.000

    2010 - present:

    Ph.D. project, grant 1 year, 1 fte, (biopharmaceutical company Gilead)

    Impact of bronchiectasis on quality of life in Cystic Fibrosis. Prof. dr. H. Tiddens, co-applicant dr. E. Utens.

                €   64.606

    2009 - 2013:

    Ph.D. project, 4 years grant, 1 fte, Netherlands Heart Foundation (NHS)  

     Long-term cardiological outcomes in adults operated for congenital heart disease in early childhood: a longitudinal cohort-study of 30-43 years follow-up.  Ph.D. project, 4 years, Netherlands Heart Foundation. Applicant: prof. J. Roos, co-applicant dr. E. Utens          

                € 250.000

    2008 - present:

    Ph.D. project, 4 years grant, 1 fte NHS

    Exercise training in congenital heart disease: is it effective and safe and does it improve quality of life? Applicant: prof. dr. W. Helbing, co-applicant dr. E. Utens

                € 250.000


    Principal investigator:  

    2017 - present:

    Ph.D. project. Neuropsychosocial fucntioing of childfren logn-term after PICU-admission. Ph.D. Project J. Hordijk. Ass. Prof: Joosten, prof. Utens, dr. Verbruggen, dr.Dulfer.

    2013 - 2018:

    Ph.D. project psychosocial aspect of induction of anesthesia. Ph.D. project J. Berghmans, anesthesiologist. Promotors:  prof. Verhulst and Utens.

    2017 - 2018:

    Study (neuro)psychological aspects of Netherton syndrome. Prof. Pasmans/Utens.
    2017 - 2018

    Study psychosocial for termination of pregnancy diue to fetal anomaly.

    2012 - 2016:

    Ph.D. Project, 4 years, 1 fte. Sponsor: prof. Tibboel, dr. C. Buysse, PICU, ErasmusMC.

    Long-term outcome after cardiopulmonary resuscitation in childhood.

    2009 - 2013:

    Ph.D. Project, 4 years, 1 fte. Sponsor: Prof. J. Roos, Congenital Cardiology, ErasmusMC.

    Long-term cardiological and psychological outcome of a cohort  of patients operated for congenital heart disease between 1980-1990.

    2011 - 2015:

    Ph.D. project, 4 years grant, funding ErasmusMC. Applicant: prof. M. Hunink.

    Randomized controlled trial of mindfulness training cardiac disease.

    2002 - present

    Large multi-center treatment outcome study “Cognitive Behavioral Treatment of Childhood and Adolescent Anxiety Disorders. (6 PhD students). Principal investigators: prof. dr. Ph. Treffers,

    LUMC Leiden, Dr. R. Ferdinand (till 2007), prof. dr. F. Verhulst, and dr. Utens.

    PhD project, 4 years grant, 1 fte PhD student,0.6 fte research-coordinator, Netherlands Foundation for Mental Health, nr. 2001-5484



    Ph.D. project, children with cardiomyopathy. Ph.d. project: Vermeulen.

    PI: M. Dalinghaus PhD, MD. 

    2012 - 2016:

    Ph.D. project, 4 years, funding Hogeschool Rotterdam, dr. A. van Rossum, ErasmusMC.

    Long term neuropsychological outcome of children with HIV.

    2012 - 2016:

    Ph.D. project, 4 years, funding dr. S. Kamphuis, rheumatologist, ErasmusMC

    Long-term (psychosocial) outcome of youngtsers with  systemic lupus erythematosus.

    2010 - present:

    Ph.D. project, 4 years grant, Netherlands Heart Foundation.

    Heart failure in children with cardiomyopathy. Which markers can be used to predict outcome? Applicant: M. Dalinghaus PhD, MD.

    2008 - present:

    Ph.D. project, 4 years grant, Netherlands Heart Foundation

    Long-term outcome of the single ventricular circulation: multicenter study to assess risk factors for heart failure and reduced health related quality of life.

    Applicant: prof. dr. W. Helbing.


    Other fund raising:  

    Net sales profits:

    Selling cognitive behavioral protocol FRIENDS materials (Utens et al., Dutch translation).

    2002 - 2012:

    Publisher: dept. of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry/Psychology.                     +-          € 1.250.000,--
  • Publications


    • Heijerman-Holtgrefe, A. P., Huyser, C., Bus, M., Beljaars, L. P. L., van de Griendt, J. M. T. M., Verdellen, C. W. J., Kan, K. J., Zijlstra, B. J. H., Lindauer, R. J. L., Cath, D. C., Hoekstra, P. J., & Utens, E. M. W. J. (2024). Tackle your Tics, a brief intensive group-based exposure treatment for young people with tics: results of a randomised controlled trial. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 33, 3805-3818.
    • Rodrigues Pereira, C., Ensink, J. B. M., Güldner, M. G., Kan, K. J., De Jonge, M. V., Lindauer, R. J. L., & Utens, E. M. W. J. (2024). The validation of the selective mutism questionnaire for use in the Dutch population. Child Psychiatry and Human Development, 55(1), 82–93. [details]
    • Scheffers, L. E., Helbing, W. A., Pereira, T., Utens, E. M. W. J., Dulfer, K., Hirsch, A., Koopman, L. P., van den Berg, L. E., & Rotterdam Exercise Team (2024). Leg-focused high-weight resistance training improves ventricular stroke volume, exercise capacity and strength in young patients with a Fontan circulation. European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, 31(4), 389-399. Article zwad286. [details]
    • Utens, E. M. W. J., Pelosi, C., Kauling, R. M., Cuypers, J., van den Bosch, A. E., Helbing, W. A., Legerstee, J. S., & Roos-Hesselink, J. W. (2024). Sports participation and lifestyle in middle-aged adults with congenital heart disease. International journal of cardiology, Congenital heart disease.



    • Heijerman-Holtgrefe, A., Huyser, C., Verdellen, C., van de Griendt, J., Beljaars, L., Kan, K-J., Lindauer, R., Cath, D., Hoekstra, P., & Utens, L. (2022). Effectiveness of 'Tackle Your Tics', a brief, intensive group-based exposure therapy programme for children with tic disorders: study protocol of a randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open, 12(6), Article e058534. [details]
    • Hordijk, J. A., Verbruggen, S. C., Buysse, C. M., Utens, E. M., Joosten, K. F., & Dulfer, K. (2022). Neurocognitive functioning and health-related quality of life of children after pediatric intensive care admission: a systematic review. Quality of Life Research, 31(9), 2601-2614. [details]
    • The Rotterdam Exercise Team, Scheffers, L. E., Helbing, W. A., Utens, E. M. W. J., Dieleman, G. C., Dulfer, K., Noske, J., van den Broek, E. A., Walet, S., Olieman, J. F., Escher, J. C., Pijnenburg, M. W., van der Ploeg, A. T., & van den Berg, L. E. (2022). Study protocol of the exercise study: Unraveling limitations for physical activity in children with chronic diseases in order to target them with tailored interventions—A randomized cross over trial. Frontiers in Pediatrics, 9, Article 791701. [details]
    • Van Den Berge, J. C., Van Vark, L. C., Postmus, D., Utens, E. M. W. J., Hillege, H. L., Boersma, E., Lesman-Leegte, I., & Akkerhuis, K. M. (2022). Determinants of quality of life in acute heart failure patients with and without comorbidities: A prospective, observational study. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 21(3), 205-212. [details]
    • Zelihić, D., van Dalen, M., Kling, J., Pripp, A. H., Nordgreen, T., Kvalem, I. L., Pasmans, S. G. M. A., Mathijssen, I. M. J., Koudstaal, M. J., Hillegers, M. H. J., Williamson, H., Utens, E. M. W. J., Feragen, K. B., & Okkerse, J. M. E. (2022). Reducing social anxiety in adolescents distressed by a visible difference: Results from a randomised control trial of a web-based intervention. Body Image, 40, 295-309. [details]
    • van Dalen, M., Hermans, M. M., Leemreis, W. H., Kraaij, V., De Laat, P. C. J., Pasmans, S. G. M. A., Versnel, S. L., Koudstaal, M. J., Hillegers, M. H. J., Utens, E. M. W. J., & Okkerse, J. M. E. (2022). Emotional and behavioral problems in children with a cleft lip with or without palate or an infantile hemangioma. Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal, 59(4_suppl2), S74-S83. [details]
    • van Dalen, M., Pasmans, S. G. M. A., Aendekerk, E. W. C., Mathijssen, I. M. J., Koudstaal, M. J., Williamson, H., Hillegers, M. H. J., Utens, E. M. W. J., & Okkerse, J. M. E. (2022). Acceptability and feasibility of an online psychosocial intervention for Dutch adolescents with a visible difference: A mixed-methods study. Body Image, 41, 298-307. [details]


    • Creswell, C., Nauta, M. H., Hudson, J. L., March, S., Reardon, T., Arendt, K., Bodden, D., Cobham, V. E., Donovan, C., Halldorsson, B., In-Albon, T., Ishikawa, S., Johnsen, D. B., Jolstedt, M., de Jong, R., Kreuze, L., Mobach, L., Rapee, R. M., Spence, S. H., ... Kendall, P. C. (2021). Research Review: Recommendations for reporting on treatment trials for child and adolescent anxiety disorders – an international consensus statement. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 62(3), 255-269. [details]
    • Eijlers, R., Staals, L. M., Legerstee, J. S., Berghmans, J. M., Strabbing, E. M., van der Schroeff, M. P., Wijnen, R. M. H., Kind, L. S., Hillegers, M. H. J., Dierckx, B., & Utens, E. M. W. J. (2021). Predicting intense levels of child anxiety during anesthesia induction at hospital arrival. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings, 28(2), 313-322. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Etnel, J. R. G., Bons, L. R., De Heer, F., Robbers-Visser, D., Van Beynum, I. M., Straver, B., Jongbloed, M. R. M., Kiès, P., Slieker, M. G., Van Dijk, A. P. J., Kluin, J., Bertels, R. A., Utens, E. M. W. J., The, R., Van Galen, E., Mulder, B. J. M., Blom, N. A., Hazekamp, M. G., Roos-Hesselink, J. W., ... Takkenberg, J. J. M. (2021). Patient information portal for congenital aortic and pulmonary valve disease: A stepped-wedge cluster randomised trial. Open Heart, 8(1), Article e001252. [details]
    • Heijerman-Holtgrefe, A. P., Verdellen, C. W. J., van de Griendt, J. M. T. M., Beljaars, L. P. L., Kan, K. J., Cath, D., Hoekstra, P. J., Huyser, C., & Utens, E. M. W. J. (2021). Tackle your Tics: pilot findings of a brief, intensive group-based exposure therapy program for children with tic disorders. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 30(3), 461-473. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Klein, A. M., Liber, J. M., van Lang, N. D. J., Reichart, C., Nauta, M., van Widenfelt, B. M., & Utens, E. M. W. J. (2021). The role of social skills in predicting treatment-recovery in children with a social anxiety disorder. Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology, 49(11), 1461-1472. [details]
    • Meentken, M. G., van der Mheen, M., van Beynum, I. M., Aendekerk, E. W. C., Legerstee, J. S., van der Ende, J., del Canho, R., Lindauer, R. J. L., Hillegers, M. H. J., Helbing, W. A., Moll, H. A., & Utens, E. M. W. J. (2021). Long-term effectiveness of eye movement desensitization and reprocessing in children and adolescents with medically related subthreshold post-traumatic stress disorder: A randomized controlled trial. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 20(4), 348-357. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Wolters, L. H., Ball, J., Brezinka, V., Bus, M., Huyser, C., & Utens, E. (2021). Brief intensive cognitive behavioral therapy for children and adolescents with OCD: Two international pilot studies. Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders, 29, Article 100645. Advance online publication. [details]
    • van Dalen, M., Leemreis, W. H., Kraaij, V., De Laat, P. C. J., Pasmans, S. G. M. A., Versnel, S. L., Koudstaal, M. J., Hillegers, M. H. J., Utens, E. M. W. J., & Okkerse, J. M. E. (2021). Parenting children with a cleft lip with or without palate or a visible infantile hemangioma: A cross-sectional study of distress and parenting stress. Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal, 58(12), 1536-1546. [details]
    • van Dalen, M., Pasmans, S. G. M. A., Aendekerk, M.-L., Mathijssen, I., Koudstaal, M., Timman, R., Williamson, H., Hillegers, M., Utens, E. M. W. J., & Okkerse, J. (2021). Investigating online psychological treatment for adolescents with a visible difference in the Dutch YP Face IT study: protocol of a randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open, 11(1), Article e041449. [details]
    • van Opstal, S. E. M., Dogterom, E. J., Wagener, M. N., Aarsen, F. K., Miedema, H. S., Roelofs, P. D. D. M., van der Knaap, L. C., Fraaij, P. L. A., Stol, K., Rietman, A. B., van Gorp, E. C. M., van Rossum, A. M. C., & Utens, E. M. W. J. (2021). Neuropsychological and Psychosocial Functioning of Children with Perinatal HIV-Infection in The Netherlands. Viruses, 13(10), Article 1947. Advance online publication. [details]
    • van Opstal, S. E. M., Wagener, M. N., Miedema, H. S., Utens, E. M. W. J., Aarsen, F. K., van der Knaap, L. C., van Gorp, E. C. M., van Rossum, A. M. C., & Roelofs, P. D. D. M. (2021). School functioning of children with perinatal HIV-infection in high-income countries: A systematic review. PLoS ONE, 16(6), Article e0252746. [details]



    • Bons, L. R., van den Hoven, A. T., Damirchi, A. E., van der Linde, D., Dekker, S., Kauling, R. M., van de Laar, I. M. B. H., Utens, E. M. W. J., Budde, R. P. J., & Roos-Hesselink, J. W. (2019). Psychological well-being in patients with aneurysms-osteoarthritis syndrome. American Journal of Medical Genetics, Part A, 179(8), 1491-1497. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Dekkers, F. H. W., Go, A. T. J. I., Stapersma, L., Eggink, A. J., & Utens, E. M. W. J. (2019). Termination of pregnancy for fetal anomalies: Parents' preferences for psychosocial care. Prenatal Diagnosis, 39(8), 575-587. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Eijlers, R., Dierckx, B., Staals, L. M., Berghmans, J. M., van der Schroeff, M. P., Strabbing, E. M., Wijnen, R. M. H., Hillegers, M. H. J., Legerstee, J. S., & Utens, E. M. W. J. (2019). Virtual reality exposure before elective day care surgery to reduce anxiety and pain in children: A randomised controlled trial. European journal of anaesthesiology, 36(10), 728-737. [details]
    • Eijlers, R., Utens, E. M. W. J., Staals, L. M., de Nijs, P. F. A., Berghmans, J. M., Wijnen, R. M. H., Hillegers, M. H. J., Dierckx, B., & Legerstee, J. S. (2019). Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Virtual Reality in Pediatrics: Effects on Pain and Anxiety. Anesthesia and Analgesia, 129(5), 1344-1353. [details]
    • Stapersma, L., van den Brink, G., van der Ende, J., Bodelier, A. G., van Wering, H. M., Hurkmans, P. C. W. M., Mearin, M. L., van der Meulen–de Jong, A. E., Escher, J. C., & Utens, E. M. W. J. (2019). Illness Perceptions and Depression Are Associated with Health-Related Quality of Life in Youth with Inflammatory Bowel Disease. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 26(4), 415-426. [details]
    • de Lijster, J. M., Dieleman, G. C., Utens, E. M. W. J., van der Ende, J., Alexander, T. M., Boon, A., Hillegers, M. H. J., & Legerstee, J. S. (2019). Online Attention Bias Modification in Combination with Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy for Children and Adolescents with Anxiety Disorders: A Randomised Controlled Trial. Behaviour change, 36(4), 200-215. [details]
    • de Lijster, J. M., van den Dries, M. A., van der Ende, J., Utens, E. M. W. J., Jaddoe, V. W., Dieleman, G. C., Hillegers, M. H. J., Tiemeier, H., & Legerstee, J. S. (2019). Developmental Trajectories of Anxiety and Depression Symptoms from Early to Middle Childhood: a Population-Based Cohort Study in the Netherlands. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 47(11), 1785-1798. [details]
    • van den Brink, G., Stapersma, L., Bom, A. S., Rizopolous, D., van der Woude, C. J., Stuyt, R. J. L., Hendriks, D. M., van der Burg, J. A. T., Beukers, R., Korpershoek, T. A., Theuns-Valks, S. D. M., Utens, E. M. W. J., & Escher, J. C. (2019). Effect of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy on Clinical Disease Course in Adolescents and Young Adults With Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Subclinical Anxiety and/or Depression: Results of a Randomized Trial. Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, 25(12), 1945-1956. Advance online publication. [details]
    • van der Mheen, M., Meentken, M. G., van Beynum, I. M., van der Ende, J., van Galen, E., Zirar, A., Aendekerk, E. W. C., van den Adel, T. P. L., Bogers, A. J. J. C., McCusker, C. G., Hillegers, M. H. J., Helbing, W. A., & Utens, E. M. W. J. (2019). CHIP-Family intervention to improve the psychosocial well-being of young children with congenital heart disease and their families: Results of a randomised controlled trial. Cardiology in the Young, 29(9), 1172-1182. Advance online publication. [details]


    • Berghmans, J. M., Poley, M. J., van Der Ende, J., Rietman, A., Glazemakers, I., Himpe, D., Verhulst, F. C., & Utens, E. (2018). Changes in sensory processing after anesthesia in toddlers. Minerva Anestesiologica, 84(8), 919-928. [details]
    • Berghmans, J. M., Poley, M. J., van der Ende, J., Veyckemans, F., Poels, S., Weber, F., Schmelzer, B., Himpe, D., Verhulst, F. C., & Utens, E. (2018). Association between children's emotional/behavioral problems before adenotonsillectomy and postoperative pain scores at home. Paediatric Anaesthesia, 28(9), 803-812. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Brown, K. L., Utens, E., & Marino, B. S. (2018). The ten things you need to know about long-term outcomes following paediatric cardiac surgery. Intensive Care Medicine, 44(6), 918-921. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Corno, A. F., & Utens, E. M. W. J. (2018). Editorial: Neuro-development and psychological issues in congenital heart defects. Frontiers in Pediatrics, 5, Article 297. [details]
    • De Ronde-Tillmans, M. J. A. G., De Jager, T. A. J., Goudzwaard, J. A., El Faquir, N., Van Mieghem, N. M., Zijlstra, F., Utens, E. M. W. J., Mattace-Raso, F. U. S., Lenzen, M. J., & De Jaegere, P. P. T. (2018). Long-term follow-up of quality of life in high-risk patients undergoing transcatheter aortic valve implantation for symptomatic aortic valve stenosis. Journal of Geriatric Cardiology, 15(4), 261-267. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Hill, C., Creswell, C., Vigerland, S., Nauta, M. H., March, S., Donovan, C., Wolters, L., Spence, S. H., Martin, J. L., Wozney, L., McLellan, L., Kreuze, L., Gould, K., Jolstedt, M., Nord, M., Hudson, J. L., Utens, E., Ruwaard, J., Albers, C., ... Kendall, P. C. (2018). Navigating the development and dissemination of internet cognitive behavioral therapy (iCBT) for anxiety disorders in children and young people: A consensus statement with recommendations from the #iCBTLorentz Workshop Group. Internet Interventions, 12, 1-10. [details]
    • Legerstee, J. S., & Utens, E. M. W. J. (2018). Pioneering research into specificity of intergenerational transmission of interpretation biases from parents to children: Challenges for the Future. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 57(7), 454-456. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Masdjedi, K., Daemen, J., Diletti, R., Wilschut, J., Utens, E., de Jaegere, P. P., Lemmert, M. E., Kappetein, A-P., Zijlstra, F., van Domburg, R., & Van Mieghem, N. M. (2018). A case-vignette based assessment of patient's perspective on coronary revascularization strategies, the OPINION study. Journal of cardiology, 72(2), 149-154. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Meentken, M. G., van Beynum, I. M., Aendekerk, E. W. C., Legerstee, J. S., El Marroun, H., van der Ende, J., Lindauer, R. J. L., Hillegers, M. H. J., Moll, H. A., Helbing, W. A., & Utens, E. M. W. J. (2018). Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) in children and adolescents with subthreshold PTSD after medically related trauma: Design of a randomized controlled trial. European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 9, Article 1536287. [details]
    • Schiller, R., Madderom, M., van Rosmalen, J., van Heijst, A. F., de Blaauw, I., Utens, E., Rietman, A., Verhulst, F., Tibboel, D., White, T., & IJsselstijn, H. (2018). Working memory training following neonatal critical illness: A randomized controlled trial. Critical care medicine, 46(7), 1158-1166. [details]
    • Stapersma, L., van den Brink, G., Szigethy, E. M., Escher, J. C., & Utens, E. M. W. J. (2018). Editorial: Anxiety and depression in inflammatory bowel disease – authors’ reply. Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 48(6), 687-688. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Stapersma, L., van den Brink, G., Szigethy, E. M., Escher, J. C., & Utens, E. M. W. J. (2018). Systematic review with meta-analysis: anxiety and depression in children and adolescents with inflammatory bowel disease. Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 48(5), 496-506. [details]
    • Stapersma, L., van den Brink, G., van der Ende, J., Szigethy, E. M., Beukers, R., Korpershoek, T. A., Theuns-Valks, S. D. M., Hillegers, M. H. J., Escher, J. C., & Utens, E. M. W. J. (2018). Effectiveness of Disease-Specific Cognitive Behavioral Therapy on Anxiety, Depression, and Quality of Life in Youth With Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 43(9), 967-980. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Utens, E. M. W. J., Callus, E., Levert, E. M., De Groote, K., & Casey, F. (2018). Multidisciplinary family-centred psychosocial care for patients with CHD: consensus recommendations from the AEPC Psychosocial Working. Cardiology in the Young, 28(2), 192-198. Advance online publication. [details]
    • de Jager, T. A. J., Dulfer, K., Radhoe, S., Bergmann, M. J., Daemen, J., Domburg, R. T., Lenzen, M. J., & Utens, E. M. W. J. (2018). Predictive value of depression and anxiety for long-term mortality: Differences in outcome between acute coronary syndrome and stable angina pectoris. International Journal of Cardiology, 250, 43-48 . Advance online publication. [details]
    • de Lijster, J. M., Dieleman, G. C., Utens, E. M. W. J., Dierckx, B., Wierenga, M., Verhulst, F. C., & Legerstee, J. S. (2018). Social and academic functioning in adolescents with anxiety disorders: A systematic review. Journal of Affective Disorders, 230, 108-117. Advance online publication. [details]
    • van den Brink, G., Stapersma, L., Vlug, L. E., Rizopolous, D., Bodelier, A. G., van Wering, H., Hurkmans, P. C. W. M., Stuyt, R. J. L., Hendriks, D. M., van der Burg, J. A. T., Utens, E. M. W. J., & Escher, J. C. (2018). Clinical disease activity is associated with anxiety and depressive symptoms in adolescents and young adults with inflammatory bowel disease. Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 48(3), 358-369. [details]
    • van der Mheen, M., van Beynum, I. M., Dulfer, K., van der Ende, J., van Galen, E., Duvekot, J., Rots, L. E., van den Adel, T. P. L., Bogers, A. J. J. C., McCusker, C. G., Casey, F. A., Helbing, W. A., & Utens, E. M. W. J. (2018). The CHIP-Family study to improve the psychosocial wellbeing of young children with congenital heart disease and their families: Design of a randomized controlled trial. BMC Pediatrics, 18, Article 230. [details]


    • Berghmans, J. M., Poley, M. J., van der Ende, J., Weber, F., Van de Velde, M., Adriaenssens, P., Himpe, D., Verhulst, F. C., & Utens, E. (2017). A Visual Analog Scale to assess anxiety in children during anesthesia induction (VAS‐I): Results supporting its validity in a sample of day care surgery patients. Pediatric anaesthesia, 27(9), 955-961 . [details]
    • Bergman, M. J., Utens, E. M. W. J., de Jager, T. A. J., Radhoe, S. P., Daemen, J., Lenzen, M. J., van Domburg, R. T., & Dulfer, K. (2017). Feelings of being disabled as a prognostic factor for mortality in men and women post-PCI up to 12 years. International Journal of Cardiology, 249, 107-111. [details]
    • Dulfer, K., Helbing, W. A., & Utens, E. M. W. J. (2017). The influence of exercise training on quality of life and psychosocial functioning in children with congenital heart disease:A review of intervention studies. Sports, 5(1), Article 13. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Eijlers, R., Legerstee, J. S., Dierckx, B., Staals, L. M., Berghmans, J., van der Schroeff, M. P., Wijnen, R. M. H., & Utens, E. M. W. J. (2017). Development of a virtual reality exposure tool as psychological preparation for elective pediatric day care surgery: Methodological approach for a randomized controlled trial. JMIR Research Protocols, 6(9), Article e174. [details]
    • Etnel, J. R. G., van Dijk, A. P. J., Kluin, J., Bertels, R. A., Utens, E. M. W. J., van Galen, E., The, R., Bogers, A. J. J. C., & Takkenberg, J. J. M. (2017). Development of an online, evidence-based patient information portal for congenital heart disease: A pilot study. Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine, 4, Article 25. [details]
    • Gotink, R. A., Younge, J. O., Wery, M. F., Utens, E. M. W. J., Michels, M., Rizopoulos, D., van Rossum, L. F. C., Roos-Hesselink, J. W., & Hunink, M. M. G. (2017). Online mindfulness as a promising method to improve exercise capacity in heart disease: 12-month follow-up of a randomized controlled trial. PLoS ONE, 12(5), Article e0175923. [details]
    • Kolaitis, G. A., Meentken, M. G., & Utens, E. M. W. J. (2017). Mental health problems in parents of children with congenital heart disease. Frontiers in Pediatrics, 5, Article 102. [details]
    • Kösters, M. P., Chinapaw, M. J. M., Zwaanswijk, M., van der Wal, M. F., Utens, E. M. W. J., & Koot, H. M. (2017). FRIENDS for Life: Implementation of an indicated prevention program targeting childhood anxiety and depression in a naturalistic setting. Mental Health & Prevention, 6, 44-50. [details]
    • Meentken, M. G., van Beynum, I. M., Legerstee, J. S., Helbing, W. A., & Utens, E. M. W. J. (2017). Medically related post-traumatic stress in children and adolescents with congenital heart defects. Frontiers in Pediatrics, 5, Article 20. [details]
    • de Lijster, J. M., Dierckx, B., Utens, E. M. W. J., Verhulst, F. C., Zieldorff, C., Dieleman, G. C., & Legerstee, J. S. (2017). The Age of Onset of Anxiety Disorders: A Meta-analysis . Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 26(4), 237-246. Advance online publication. [details]



    • Manassis, K., Changgun Le, T., Bennett, K., Zhao, X. Y., Mendlowitz, S., Duda, S., Saini, M., Wilansky, P., Baer, S., Barrett, P., Bodden, D., Cobham, V. E., Dadds, M. R., Flannery-Schroeder, E., Ginsburg, G., Heyne, D., Hudson, J. L., Kendall, P. C., Liber, J., ... Wood, J. J. (2014). Types of parental involvement in CBT with anxious youth: A preliminary meta-analysis. Journal of consulting and clinical psychology, 82(6), 1163-1172.


    • Bennett, K., Manassis, K., Walter, S. D., Cheung, A., Wilansky-Traynor, P., Diaz-Granados, N., Duda, S., Rice, M., Baer, S., Barrett, P., Bodden, D., Cobham, V. E., Dadds, M. R., Flannery-Schroeder, E., Ginsburg, G., Heyne, D., Hudson, J. L., Kendall, P. C., Liber, J., ... Wood, J. J. (2013). Cognitive behavioral therapy age effects in child and adolescent anxiety: An individual patient data metaanalysis. Depression and Anxiety, 30(9), 829-841.


    • Legerstee, J. S., Garnefski, N., Jellesma, F. C., Verhulst, F. C., & Utens, E. M. W. J. (2010). Cognitive coping and childhood anxiety disorders. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 19(2), 143-150. [details]
    • Liber, J. M., McLeod, B. D., van Widenfelt, B. M., Goedhart, A. W., van der Leeden, A. J. M., Utens, E. M. W. J., & Treffers, P. D. A. (2010). Examining the relation between the therapeutic alliance, treatment adherence, and outcome of cognitive behavioral therapy for children with anxiety disorders. Behavior Therapy, 41(2), 172-186. [details]
    • Liber, J. M., van Widenfelt, B. M., van der Leeden, A. J. M., Goedhart, A. W., Utens, E. M. W. J., & Treffers, P. D. A. (2010). The relation of severity and comorbidity to treatment outcome with cognitive behavioral therapy for childhood anxiety disorders. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 38(5), 683-694. [details]
    • van der Leeden, A. J. M., van Widenfelt, B. M., van der Leeden, R., Utens, E. M. W. J., Liber, J. M., & Treffers, P. D. A. (2010). Stepped care cognitive behavioral therapy for children with anxiety disorders: a new treatment approach. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 39(1), 55-75. [details]
    • van der Toorn, S. L. M., Huizink, A. C., Utens, E. M. W. J., Verhulst, F. C., Ormel, J., & Ferdinand, R. F. (2010). Maternal depressive symptoms, and not anxiety symptoms, are associated with positive mother-child reporting discrepancies of internalizing problems in children: a report on the TRAILS Study. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 19(4), 379-388. [details]


    • Liber, J. M., Utens, E. M. W. J., van der Leeden, A. J. M., & Treffers, P. D. A. (2009). Individuele behandeling of groepsbehandeling: is er verschil? Kind en Adolescent, 30(3), 181-194. [details]


    • Legerstee, J. S., Huizink, A. C., Van Gastel, W., Liber, J. M., Treffers, P. D. A., Verhulst, F. C., & Utens, E. M. W. J. (2008). Maternal anxiety predicts favourable treatment outcomes in anxiety-disordered adolescents. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 117(4), 289-298.
    • Liber, J. M., Van Widenfelt, B. M., Goedhart, A. W., Utens, E. M. W. J., Van Der Leeden, A. J. M., Markus, M. T., & Treffers, P. D. A. (2008). Parenting and parental anxiety and depression as predictors of treatment outcome for childhood anxiety disorders: Has the role of fathers been underestimated? Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 37(4), 747-758.
    • Liber, J. M., Van Widenfelt, B. M., Utens, E. M. W. J., Ferdinand, R. F., Van Der Leeden, A. J. M., Gastel, W. V., & Treffers, P. D. A. (2008). No differences between group versus individual treatment of childhood anxiety disorders in a randomised clinical trial. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines, 49(8), 886-893.



    • Hordijk, J. A., Verbruggen, S. C., Buysse, C. M., Utens, E. M., Joosten, K. F., & Dulfer, K. (2022). Correction to: Neurocognitive functioning and health‑related quality of life of children after pediatric intensive care admission: a systematic review. Quality of Life Research, 31(9), 2615-2617. Advance online publication.


    • Heijerman-Holtgrefe, A. P., Beljaars, L. P. L., Verdellen, C. W. J., van de Griendt, J. M. T. M., Cath, D., Hoekstra, P. J., Huyser, C., & Utens, E. M. W. J. (2021). Active involvement of patient representatives in research: roles, tasks, and benefits in a pilot intervention study. Current Research in Psychiatry, 1(3), 40-43. [details]


    • Berghmans, J., & Utens, E. (2020). Association between children's emotional/behavioral problems before adenotonsillectomy and postoperative pain scores at home: Answer to a comment. Paediatric Anaesthesia, 30(2), 198-199. [details]
    • van der Mheen, M., & Utens, E. M. W. J. (2020). Psychosocial interventions in families with a child with congenital heart disease. The Journal of Pediatrics, 222, 264-265. Advance online publication. [details]




    • Legerstee, J. S., Dierckx, B., Utens, E. M. W. J., Verhulst, F. C., Zieldorff, C., Dieleman, G. C., & de Lijster, J. M. (2019). The age of onset of anxiety disorders. In G. de Girolamo, P. D. McGorry, & N. Sartorius (Eds.), Age of onset of mental disorders: Etiopathogenetic and treatment implications (pp. 125-147). Springer. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Utens, E. M. W. J. (2019). Psychosociale problematiek. In B. J. M. Mulder, P. G. Pieper, F. J. Meijboom, B. J. Bouma, J. P. van Melle, & J. P. M. Hamer (Eds.), Aangeboren hartafwijkingen bij volwassenen (4e ed., pp. 282-286). Bohn Stafleu van Loghum.
    • van Dalen, M., Dessens, A. B., van der Mheen, M., Stapersma, L., & Utens, E. (2019). Depressie en angst bij kinderen en jongeren met een lichamelijke aandoening: screening en behandeling. Tijdschrift van de Vereniging voor Kinder- en Jeugdpsychotherapie, 46(1), 104-122. [details]


    • Utens, E. M. W. J. (2017). Ik ben niet bang meer! Cognitieve gedragstherapie bij kinderen en adolescenten. (Oratiereeks). Universiteit van Amsterdam. [details]


    • Heijerman, A., Verdellen, C., van de Griendt, J., Bus, M., Beljaars, L., Cath, D., ... Utens, E. M. W. J. (2018). Tackle your Tics: Feasibility of a brief, intensive group-based exposure therapy programme for children with tic disorders.. Poster session presented at 11th European Conference on Tourette Syndrome and Tics Disorders (ESSTS), Copenhagen, .
    • van der Mheen, M., McCusker, C. G., van Beynum, I. M., Dulfer, K., van Galen, E., Bogers, A. J. J. C., ... Utens, E. M. W. J. (2018). Congenital Heart Disease Intervention Program - Family for young children with congenital heart disease and their families.. Paper presented at Association for European Paediatric and Congenital Cardiology , Leicester, .

    Media appearance

    Talk / presentation

    • Stapersma, L. (speaker), Heijerman-Holtgrefe, A. P. (speaker) & Utens, L. (speaker) (21-11-2022). Dwang.
    • Berghmans, J. (speaker), Lemmens, C. (speaker) & Utens, L. (speaker) (23-4-2022). Informed Consent & management of the uncooperative frightened child, Annual meeting BAPA, Nivelles.
    • Utens, L. (speaker) (20-3-2020). Psychosocial functioning in youth with congenital heart disease: long-term outcoems, Biannual European Conference of Psychosocial Working Group of the European Society of Paediatric Cardiology [cancelled], Milano.
    • Utens, L. (speaker) (13-3-2020). De invloed van de psychosociale zorg op de klinische praktijk, Jubileumsymposium 'Gouden Jeugd', Rotterdam.
    • Utens, L. (speaker) (8-11-2018). Corpus non sanum, mens sana? Cognitieve gedragstherapie in het (kinder)ziekenhuis, VGCt Najaarscongres 2018.
    • Utens, L. (speaker), Eijlers, R. (speaker), Legerstee, J. S. (speaker), Dierckx, B. (speaker) & Staals, L. M. (speaker) (22-6-2018). Virtual Reality Exposure ter psychologische voorbereiding van kinderen op een operatie., Zomercongres Sectie Kinderanesthesiologie, Wageningen.


    • Utens, L. (organiser) (2022). VGCt Najaarscongres, Veldhoven (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Utens, L. (participant) (22-6-2018). Zomercongres Sectie Kinderanesthesiologie, Wageningen (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).



    • van Dalen, M. (2022). Living with a visible difference: Putting together the pieces of a puzzle. [Thesis, fully external, Erasmus Universiteit]. Erasmus University.


    • Meentken, M. G. (2021). Treating Invisible Scars: Psychological outcomes & effectiveness of EMDR after pediatric hospitalization.
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  • Ancillary activities
    • ErasmusMC - Sophia kinderziekenhuis
      UHD / klinisch psycholoog BIG
    • VGCT
      Bestuurslid Najaarscongrescommissie
    • Levvel, Organisatie voor Spec. Jeugdzorg
      Klinisch psycholoog / vakgroepleider / hoogleraar