Appels, S., van Viersen, S., van Erp, S., Hornstra, L., & de Bree, E. (2024). A scoping review on word-reading resilience in literacy: Evaluating empirical evidence for protective factors. Learning and Instruction, 93, Article 101969.[details]
Bazen, L., van den Boer, M., de Bree, E. H., & de Jong, P. F. (2024). Presentation matters: Surface text features and text quality in written narratives of Dutch high school students with and without dyslexia. Dyslexia, 30(4), Article e1786.
Bliekendaal, W. I., van den Boer, M., Hakvoort, B. E., & de Bree, E. H. (2024). Spelling abilities of Dutch children with developmental language disorder on words differing in complexity. Reading & Writing.
Mulder, E., van de Ven, M., Segers, E., Krepel, A., de Bree, E. H., de Jong, P. F., & Verhoeven, L. (2024). Impact of word-to-text integration processes on reading comprehension development in English as a second language. Journal of Research in Reading, 47(1), 83-102.[details]
de Bree, E. H., & van den Boer, M. (2024). Evaluating knowledge and self-rated competence of educational and speech-language professionals on language development and disorders. Stem-, Spraak-, en Taalpathologie, 29, 22-60.
de Bree, E., Wiefferink, K., & Gerrits, E. (2024). Characteristics of children and youth referred for language assessment at different ages. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 67(8), 2653-2668.
van Viersen, S., Kerkhoff, A. O., & de Bree, E. H. (2024). Looking beyond literacy and phonology: Word learning and phonological cue use in children with and without dyslexia. Frontiers in Language Sciences, 3, Article 1389301.
van den Boer, M., & de Bree, E. H. (2024). To show or tell: Improving the spelling of rule-based words with explicit or implicit practice. Scientific Studies of Reading, 28(3), 303-320 .
Bazen, L., de Bree, E. H., van den Boer, M., & de Jong, P. F. (2023). Perceived negative consequences of dyslexia: the influence of person and environmental factors. Annals of Dyslexia, 73(2), 214-234.[details]
Verhagen, J., & de Bree, E. (2023). Non-adjacent dependency learning from variable input: Investigating the effects of bilingualism, phonological memory, and cognitive control. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, Article 1127718.[details]
Van de Ven, M., Hofman, A. D., De Bree, E., Segers, E., Verhoeven, L., & van der Maas, H. L. J. (2022). Doubling up: The Influence of Native and Foreign Language Cues in Foreign Language Double Consonant Spelling. Journal of Writing Research, 14(2), 299-341.[details]
de Bree, E. H., van den Boer, M., Toering, B., & de Jong, P. F. (2022). A stitch in time...: Comparing late-identified, late-emerging and early-identified dyslexia. Dyslexia, 28(3), 276-292.[details]
de Bree, E., & Verhagen, J. (2022). Statistical learning in children with a family risk of dyslexia. Dyslexia, 28(2), 185-201.[details]
de Bree, E., Boerma, T., Hakvoort, B., Blom, E., & van den Boer, M. (2022). Word reading in monolingual and bilingual children with developmental language disorder. Learning and Individual Differences, 98, Article 102185.[details]
de Bree, E., Lammertink, I., van Witteloostuijn, M., & Rispens, J. (2022). Word-level spelling of children with dyslexia and developmental language disorder. Stem-, Spraak-, en Taalpathologie, 27, 24-52.[details]
van den Boer, M., Bazen, L., & de Bree, E. (2022). The same yet different: Oral and silent reading in children and adolescents with dyslexia. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 51(4), 803-817.[details]
Krepel, A., de Bree, E. H., & de Jong, P. F. (2021). Does the availability of orthography support L2 word learning? Reading and Writing, 34(2), 467-496.[details]
Krepel, A., de Bree, E. H., Mulder, E., van de Ven, M., Segers, E., Verhoeven, L., & de Jong, P. F. (2021). Predicting EFL vocabulary, reading, and spelling in English as a foreign language using paired-associate learning. Learning and Individual Differences, 89, Article 102021. Advance online publication.[details]
Krepel, A., de Bree, E. H., Mulder, E., van de Ven, M., Segers, E., Verhoeven, L., & de Jong, P. F. (2021). The unique contribution of vocabulary in the reading development of English as a foreign language. Journal of Research in Reading, 44(3), 453-474.[details]
Mulder, E., van de Ven, M., Segers, E., Krepel, A., de Bree, E. H., de Jong, P. F., & Verhoeven, L. (2021). Word-to-text integration in English as a second language reading comprehension. Reading and Writing, 34(4), 1049-1087.[details]
Mulder, E., van de Ven, M., Segers, E., Krepel, A., de Bree, E. H., van der Maas, H., de Jong, P. F., & Verhoeven, L. (2021). Serious game-based word-to-text integration intervention effects in English as a second language. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 65, Article 101972. Advance online publication.[details]
Verhagen, J., & de Bree, E. (2021). Effects of bilingualism on statistical learning in preschoolers. Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism, 11(5), 611-639.[details]
de Bree, E., & Zee, M. (2021). The unique role of verbal memory, vocabulary, concentration and self-efficacy in children’s listening comprehension in upper elementary grades. First Language, 41(2), 129-153.[details]
de Bree, E., & van den Boer, M. (2021). Wrong place, wrong time: Children’s sensitivity to present tense spelling conventions. Applied Psycholinguistics, 42(5), 1221-1242.[details]
de Klerk, M., de Bree, E., Veen, D., & Wijnen, F. (2021). Speech discrimination in infants at family risk of dyslexia: Group and individual-based analyses. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 206, Article 105066.[details]
Bazen, L., van den Boer, M., de Jong, P. F., & de Bree, E. H. (2020). Early and late diagnosed dyslexia in secondary school: Performance on literacy skills and cognitive correlates. Dyslexia, 26(4), 359-376. Advance online publication.[details]
Verhagen, J., de Bree, E., & Unsworth, S. (2020). Effects of Bilingual Language Use and Language Proficiency on 24-month-olds’ Cognitive Control. Journal of Cognition and Development, 21(1), 46-71.[details]
Zee, M., de Bree, E., Hakvoort, B., & Koomen, H. M. Y. (2020). Exploring relationships between teachers and students with diagnosed disabilities: A multi-informant approach. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 66, Article 101101.[details]
Stokes, S. F., de Bree, E., Kerkhoff, A., Momenian, M., & Zamuner, T. (2019). Phonology, semantics, and the comprehension–expression gap in emerging lexicons. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 62(12), 4509-4522. Advance online publication.[details]
Unsworth, S., Brouwer, S., de Bree, E., & Verhagen, J. (2019). Predicting bilingual preschoolers' patterns of language development: Degree of non-native input matters. Applied Psycholinguistics, 40(5), 1189-1219.[details]
Van Der Ven, S., & de Bree, E. (2019). Variation is the Spice of Spelling: The Effect of Implicit Cues on Dutch Past Tense Spelling is Dependent on Age and Literacy, but Not on Task Format. Scientific Studies of Reading, 23(5), 369-385.[details]
Verhagen, J., Boom, J., Mulder, H., de Bree, E., & Leseman, P. (2019). Reciprocal relationships between nonword repetition and vocabulary during the preschool years. Developmental Psychology, 55(6), 1125-1137. Advance online publication.[details]
Wolf, M. C., Muijselaar, M. M. L., Boonstra, A. M., & de Bree, E. H. (2019). The relationship between reading and listening comprehension: shared and modality-specific components. Reading & Writing, 32(7), 1747-1767.[details]
de Bree, E., & van den Boer, M. (2019). Knowing what we don’t know: Cognitive correlates of early spelling of different target types. Reading & Writing, 32(8), 2125-2148.[details]
de Klerk, M., Veen, D., Wijnen, F., & de Bree, E. (2019). A step forward: Bayesian hierarchical modelling as a tool in assessment of individual discrimination performance. Infant Behavior and Development, 57, Article 101345.[details]
de Klerk, M., de Bree, E., Kerkhoff, A., & Wijnen, F. (2019). Lost and Found: Decline and Reemergence of Non-Native Vowel Discrimination in the First Year of Life. Language Learning and Development, 15(1), 14-31.[details]
van Viersen, S., de Bree, E. H., & de Jong, P. F. (2019). Protective Factors and Compensation in Resolving Dyslexia. Scientific Studies of Reading, 23(6), 461-477.[details]
de Bree, E., Geelhoed, J., & van den Boer, M. (2018). Overruled!: Implicit cues rather than an orthographic rule determine Dutch children's vowel spelling. Learning and Instruction, 56, 30-41.[details]
van Viersen, S., de Bree, E. H., Zee, M., Maassen, B., van der Leij, A., & de Jong, P. F. (2018). Pathways into literacy: The role of early oral language abilities and family risk for dyslexia. Psychological Science, 29(3), 418-428.[details]
van den Boer, M., de Bree, E. H., & de Jong, P. F. (2018). Simulation of dyslexia. How literacy and cognitive skills can help distinguish college students with dyslexia from malingerers. PLoS ONE, 13(5), Article e0196903.[details]
Kerkhoff, A., de Bree, E., & Wijnen, F. (2017). Can poor readers be good learners? Non-adjacent dependency learning in adults with dyslexia. In E. Segers, & P. van den Broek (Eds.), Developmental Perspectives in Written Language and Literacy: In honor of Ludo Verhoeven (pp. 315-331). John Benjamins Publishing Company.[details]
Muijselaar, M. M. L., de Bree, E. H., Steenbeek-Planting, E. G., & de Jong, P. F. (2017). Is de cloze-toets een betrouwbare en valide maat voor begrijpend lezen? Pedagogische Studiën, 94(5), 418-435.[details]
Rispens, J., & de Bree, E. (2017). Past tense production in children with SLI and bilingual children: The influence of vocabulary and non-word repetition. In E. Blom, L. Cornips, & J. Schaeffer (Eds.), Cross-linguistic influence in bilingualism: In honor of Aafke Hulk (pp. 259-278). (Studies in Bilingualism; Vol. 52). John Benjamins Publishing Company.[details]
Verhagen, J., de Bree, E., Mulder, H., & Leseman, P. (2017). Effects of Vocabulary and Phonotactic Probability on 2-Year-Olds’ Nonword Repetition. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 46(3), 507-524.
Zee, M., & de Bree, E. (2017). Students’ self-regulation and achievement in basic reading and math skills: The role of student–teacher relationships in middle childhood. The European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 14(3), 265-280.[details]
de Bree, E., Verhagen, J., Kerkhoff, A. O., Doedens, W., & Unsworth, S. (2017). Language learning from inconsistent input: Bilingual and monolingual toddlers compared. Infant and Child Development, 26(4), Article e1966. Advance online publication.[details]
de Bree, E., van der Ven, S., & van der Maas, H. (2017). The Voice of Holland: Allograph Production in Written Dutch Past Tense Inflection. Language Learning and Development, 13(3), 215-240. Advance online publication.[details]
van Viersen, S., de Bree, E. H., Kalee, L., Kroesbergen, E. H., & de Jong, P. F. (2017). Foreign language reading and spelling in gifted students with dyslexia in secondary education. Reading & Writing, 30(6), 1173-1192.[details]
van Viersen, S., de Bree, E. H., Verdam, M., Krikhaar, E., Maassen, B., van der Leij, A., & de Jong, P. F. (2017). Delayed early vocabulary development in children at family risk of dyslexia. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 60, 937-949.[details]
Donker, M., Kroesbergen, E., Slot, E., Van Viersen, S., & De Bree, E. (2016). Alphanumeric and non-alphanumeric Rapid Automatized Naming in children with reading and/or spelling difficulties and mathematical difficulties. Learning and Individual Differences, 47, 80-87.[details]
Hakvoort, B., de Bree, E., van der Leij, A., Maassen, B., van Setten, E., Maurits, N., & van Zuijen, T. L. (2016). The role of categorical speech perception and phonological processing in familial risk children with and without dyslexia. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 59(6), 1448-1460.[details]
Slot, E. M., van Viersen, S., de Bree, E. H., & Kroesbergen, E. H. (2016). Shared and Unique Risk Factors Underlying Mathematical Disability and Reading and Spelling Disability. Frontiers in Psychology, 7, Article 803.[details]
de Bree, E., & Wijnen, F. (2016). Word stress competence and literacy in Dutch children with a family risk of dyslexia and children with dyslexia. In J. Thomson, & L. Jarmulowicz (Eds.), Linguistic Rhythm and Literacy (pp. 135-162). (Trends in language acquisition research; Vol. 17). John Benjamins Publishing Company.[details]
van Viersen, S., Kroesbergen, E. H., Slot, E. M., & de Bree, E. H. (2016). High reading skills mask dyslexia in gifted children. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 49(2), 189-199. Advance online publication.[details]
Rispens, J., & de Bree, E. (2015). Bilingual children's production of regular and irregular past tense morphology. Bilingualism : Language and Cognition, 18(2), 290-303. Advance online publication.[details]
Wijnen, F., de Bree, E., van Alphen, P., de Jong, J., & van der Leij, A. (2015). Comparing SLI and dyslexia: Developmental language profiles and reading outcomes. In S. Stavrakaki (Ed.), Specific language impairment: current trends in research (pp. 89-112). (Language acquisition and language disorders; No. 58). John Benjamins.[details]
van Viersen, S., de Bree, E. H., Kroesbergen, E. H., Slot, E. M., & de Jong, P. F. (2015). Risk and protective factors in gifted children with dyslexia. Annals of Dyslexia, 65(3), 178-198. Advance online publication.[details]
Kerkhoff, A., de Bree, E., Hoeben, I., & Vreugdenhil, A. (2014). De invloed van orthografie op verleden tijdsvorming door zwakke lezers. Stem-, Spraak-, en Taalpathologie, 19, 1-18.[details]
Rispens, J. E., & de Bree, E. H. (2014). Past tense productivity in Dutch children with and without SLI: The role of morphophonology and frequency. Journal of Child Language, 41(1), 200-225.[details]
Rispens, J., & de Bree, E. (2014). Past tense productivity: comparing bilingual children and children with SLI. In W. Orman, & M. J. Valleau (Eds.), Proceedings of the 38th Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development (Vol. 2, pp. 368-379). (BUCLD; Vol. 38). Cascadilla Press. [details]
de Bree, E., & Unsworth, S. (2014). Dutch and English literacy and language outcomes of dyslexic students in regular and bilingual secondary education. Dutch Journal of Applied Linguistics, 3(1), 62-81.
Hoeijmakers, M., de Bree, E., & Keijzer, M. (2013). English spelling performance of Dutch grammar school students. Dutch Journal of Applied Linguistics, 2(2), 152-169.[details]
Kerkhoff, A., de Bree, E., de Klerk, M., & Wijnen, F. (2013). Non-adjacent dependency learning in infants at familial risk of dyslexia. Journal of Child Language, 40(1), 11-28.[details]
Kroesbergen, E. H., de Bree, E. H., Slot, E. M., & van Viersen, S. (2013). Rekenproblemen bij kinderen met dyslexie. Orthopedagogiek: Onderzoek en praktijk, 52(7-8), 363-377. [details]
de Bree, E., Snowling, M. J., Gerrits, E., van Alphen, P., van der Leij, A., & Wijnen, F. (2012). Phonology and literacy: follow-up results of the Utrecht dyslexia and specific language impairment project. In A. A. Benasich, & R. H. Fitch (Eds.), Developmental dyslexia: early precursors, neurobehavioral markers, and biological substrates (pp. 133-150). (The extraordinary brain series). Paul H. Brookes. [details]
Kerkhoff, A., de Bree, E., de Klerk, M., & Wijnen, F. (2011). Implicit learning and dyslexia: Non-adjacent dependency learning in infants at familial risk of dyslexia. Boston University Conference on Language Development. Proceedings, 35, 358-370.
Janse, E., de Bree, E., & Brouwer, S. (2010). Decreased Sensitivity to Phonemic Mismatch in Spoken Word Processing in Adult Developmental Dyslexia. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 39(6), 523-539.
de Bree, E. H., & Kerkhoff, A. O. (2010). Bempen of Bemben: Differences between children at-risk of dyslexia and children with SLI on a Morpho-phonological task. Scientific Studies of Reading, 14(1), 85-109.
de Bree, E. H., Wijnen, F. N. K., & Gerrits, P. A. M. (2010). Non-word repetition and literacy in Dutch children at-risk of dyslexia and children with SLI: Results of the follow-up study. Dyslexia, 16, 36-44.
Gerrits, E., & de Bree, E. H. (2009). Early language development of children at familial risk of dyslexia: Speech perception and production. Journal of Communication Disorder, 42, 180-194.
de Bree, E. H., Zonneveld, W., Wijnen, F. N. K., & Nouveau, D. (2008). Woordklemtoonproductie van kinderen met (een risico op) dyslexie. Nederlandse Taalkunde, 13(3), 241-261.
de Bree, E., & Wijnen, F. (2008). Nonsensewoordrepetitie en leesvaardigheid in kinderen met een risico voor dyslexie en kinderen met een taalstoornis (SLI). Stem-, Spraak-, en Taalpathologie, 16(2), 124-131.
Rispens, J., de Bree, E., & Kerkhoff, A. (2014). What’s in a suffix? The past tense in Dutch children with reading problems. In J. Hoeksema, D. Gilbers, & P. Hendriks (Eds.), Black book: a festschrift in honor of Frans Zwarts (pp. 271-281). University of Groningen. [details]
Rispens, J., & de Bree, E. H. (2010). Past tense productivity in Dutch children with SLI: the role of phonology. Boston University Conference on Language Development. Proceedings, 34, 327-338.[details]
de Bree, E. H., van Alphen, P. M., Fikkert, P., & Wijnen, F. N. K. (2008). Metrical stress in comprehension and production of Dutch children at-risk of dyslexia. Boston University Conference on Language Development. Proceedings, 32, 60-70.
van der Ven, S. H. G., van der Beek, J., Dams, J., van de Weijer-Bergsma, E., & de Bree, E. H. (2024). LSBS: Lees-en spellingbelevingsschaal. Hogrefe.
Tijms, J., de Bree, E. H., Bonte, M., van Atteveldt, N., Warny, A., & Vanderauwera, J. (2023). Online behandelen: Literatuurreview. NKD Nederlands Kwaliteitsinstituut Dyslexie. [details]
Tijms, J., de Bree, E. H., van Atteveldt, N., Bonte, M., & Vanderauwera, J. (2023). Psycho-educatie dyslexie: Literatuurreview en praktijkinventarisatie. NKD Nederlands Kwaliteitsinstituut Dyslexie.
de Bree, E. H., Bremo, M., Keuter, I., & Scholten, A. (2023). Evaluatie van pilotuitvoering van de NELI. Universiteit Utrecht. [details]
Schreurs, B. G. M., de Bree, E. H., Draffan, E. A., Málková, G., Krejcova, L., Hauwaert, H., Ghesquière, P., Torbijns, J., Tordoir, J., Tijms, J., Thomson, J. M., Duijnker, E., Simáková, L., van Gelder, H., & Fisher, M. (2021). IT-gids voor leesvaardigheid. Hoe kun je lees-apps integreren op je school en de leesvaardigheid van moeilijke lezers bevorderen?
de Bree, E., & Zee, M. (2021). Sociale interactie met klasgenootjes: Spel stimuleert taalontwikkeling. De Wereld van het Jonge Kind, 48(10), 18-21. [details]
de Bree, E., & Zijlstra, H. (2016). Hoe pak je lees- en spellingproblemen aan bij kinderen met TOS? Tijdschrift voor Remedial Teaching, 24(4), 12-15. [details]
Clement, C., Tullener, E., & de Bree, E. (2015). Laaggeletterdheid en logopedie: Lees- en schrijfproblemen bij volwassenen in de logopedische praktijk. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Logopedie, 87(9), 14-20. [details]
Leung, K. L., Wagenaar, I. E., Oudgenoeg-Paz, O., & de Bree, E. (2014). Effectiviteit van de Eduniek Dyslexiebehandeling. Orthopedagogiek: Onderzoek en praktijk, 53(1), 19-32. [details]
Tullener, E., & de Bree, E. (2014). Narratieve vaardigheden van Nederlands(talig)e laaggeletterde volwassenen. Stem-, Spraak-, en Taalpathologie, 19, 120-140.[details]
Wijnen, F., de Bree, E., & Kerkhoff, A. (2014). Bestaat 'enkelvoudige dyslexie'. In L. Verhoeven, P. de Jong, & F. Wijnen (Eds.), Dyslexie 2.0: update van het Protocol Dyslexie Diagnostiek en Behandeling (pp. 55-74). (Studies over taalonderwijs; No. 8). Garant. [details]
de Bree, E., & Henneman, K. (2014). Kwaliteit van de diagnose dyslexie: een verkennende studie. In L. Verhoeven, P. de Jong, & F. Wijnen (Eds.), Dyslexie 2.0: update van het Protocol Dyslexie Diagnostiek en Behandeling (pp. 135-155). (Studies over taalonderwijs; No. 8). Garant. [details]
de Bree, E. H., Kerkhoff, A. O., & Wijnen, F. N. K. (2010). Overeenkomsten en verschillen tussen dyslexie en primaire taalstoornissen. In L. Verhoeven, F. Wijnen, K. van den Bos, & R. Kleijnen (Eds.), Zorg om Dyslexie (pp. 45-60). Garant.
Capel, D. J. H., de Bree, E. H., Kerkhoff, A. O., & Wijnen, F. N. K. (2008). Nederlandse baby's gebruiken statistische informatie om spraakklanken te leren onderscheiden. Toegepaste Taalwetenschap in Artikelen, 79, 21-29.
de Heer, L., Scheper, A., Duinmeijer, I., Keydeniers, D. J., & de Bree, E. H. (2024). De Schoolreis – TOS op weg naar school. Web publication or website
de Heer, L., Scheper, A., Keydeniers, D., de Bree, E. H., & Duinmeijer, I. (2024). De Schoolreis voor jonge kinderen met TOS: van behandelgroep naar school. Van Horen Zeggen - online.
de Bree, E. H. (2012). Hebben Chinezen ook dyslexie? In M. Boogaard, & M. Jansen (Eds.), De taalcanon: Alles wat je altijd al wilde weten over taal: Vijftig deskundigen in één boek over het verschijnsel taal (pp. 65-68). Meulenhoff.
de Jong, P. F., van Viersen, S., de Bree, E. H., Zee, M., Maassen, B., & van der Leij, D. A. V. (2017). Pathways into literacy: The role of early oral language abilities and family risk for dyslexia.. Paper presented at 24th annual meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading (SSSR), Halifax, Canada.
van Viersen, S., de Bree, E. H., Zee, M., Maassen, B., van der Leij, D. A. V., & de Jong, P. F. (2017). Pathways into literacy: The role of early oral language abilities and family risk for dyslexia. Poster session presented at 17th Biennial conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI) 2017, Tampere, Finland.
van Viersen, S., de Bree, E. H., Kroesbergen, E. H., & de Jong, P. F. (2016). Foreign language learning in gifted students with dyslexia: [Paper presented in symposium ‘Second language acquisition’]. Paper presented at 23rd Annual meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading (SSSR) 2016, Porto, Portugal.
de Bree, E. H., Verhagen, J., Kerkhoff, A. O., Doedens, W. J., & Unsworth, S. (2015). Bilingual toddlers can learn from variable input. Poster session presented at 10th International Symposium on Bilingualism (ISB) 2015, New Brunswick, New Jersey, United States.
van der Ven, S. H. G., de Bree, E. H., & van der Maas, H. L. J. (2015). The Voice of Holland: Voicing probability in written Dutch past tense inflection. Paper presented at 16th Biennial conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI) 2015, Limassol, Cyprus.
Prijs / subsidie
de Bree, E. H. (2015). Bilingual toddlers can learn from variable input.
de Bree, E. (2017-2035). Lid van de wetenschappelijke adviesraad dyslexie van het NKD, Nederlands Kwaliteitsinstituut Dyslexie.
de Bree, E. (2013-2035). bestuurslid en secretaris van de SDN, Stichting Dyslexie Nederland.
van der Weijden, F. (participant) & de Bree, E. (chair) (23-11-2020). A is for App Literacy Framework, Amsterdam. Presentation of the IT Literacy Framework: How to sustain literacy apps in your school to support reading fluency of struggling readers (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
Rispens, J. E. (participant), de Bree, E. (participant) & Marshall, C. (participant) (2010). Workshop Morphophonology in language and literacy (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
de Klerk, M. K. A. (2021). Vowels in development: Speech sound perception in Dutch infants with and without a family risk of dyslexia. Utrecht University.
Krepel, A. (2020). Word watching: Understanding and enhancing word learning in English as a foreign language. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]
van Viersen, S. (2017). The only way is up: Risk factors, protective factors, and compensation in dyslexia. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]
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