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Dr. N. (Nicolette) van Halem

Universitair Docent
Faculteit der Maatschappij- en Gedragswetenschappen
Programme group: Educational Sciences
Expertisegebied: Educational Innovation, Lifelong Learning, School Improvement, Research-Practice Partnerhips, Educational Leadership

  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 127
  • Postbus 15776
    1001 NG Amsterdam
  • Profile

    Nicolette van Halem is an assistant professor in the Educational Sciences program group at the University of Amsterdam and teaches in the Educational Master's program for Primary Education. Nicolette has worked in various roles (researcher, advisor, project leader) on educational innovations in the Netherlands, the UK, and the USA. Her research focuses on systemic changes in education and partnerships between research and practice.

    Media appearances

  • Research

    Research methods

    -    Research-Practice Partnerhips
    -    CMIC and growth functions
    -    Social Network Analysis

    Current research projects

    • Networking Schools
      This project addresses schools’ resilient response to teacher shortages that endanger quality, equity, and vitality in education. 
  • Teaching


    • Onderwijskundig leiderschap in de school
    • Academic Skills

    PhD supervision

    • Anne Groot:  Improving learning culture in judiciary
      co-promotoren: Bas de Jong en Nicolette van Halem, promotor: Frank Cornelissen)
  • Publicaties


    • Groot, A. M., van Halem, N., de Jong, B., & Cornelissen, L. J. F. (2024). De verborgen rol van teamcultuur in professioneel leren binnen de rechtspleging: een multi-case study. In ORD 2024 Abstractenboek: Onderwijs van waarde(n) (2024 ed., pp. 217). Vereniging voor Onderwijs Research (VOR). https://ord2024.nl/wp-content/uploads/ORD-2024-Abstractboek-nieuw.pdf
    • Lockton, M., van Halem, N., & Daly, A. J. (in press). Headwinds and tailwinds: Insights from a research practice partnership in California on identifying high impact growth areas for school improvement. In Headwinds and tailwinds: Insights from a Research Practice Partnership in California on Identifying High Impact Growth Areas for School Improvement Emerald Publishing.
    • van Halem, N. (2024). Anders organiseren met minder leraren: een Delphi Study naar de rol van de netwerkcapaciteit van po scholen bij het omgaan met het lerarentekort. Unpublished. In ORD 2024 Abstractenboek: Onderwijs van waarde(n) (pp. 217-219). Vereniging voor Onderwijs Research (VOR). https://ord2024.nl/wp-content/uploads/ORD-2024-Abstractboek-nieuw.pdf
    • van Halem, N., Lockton, M., Trautman, D., Liou, Y-H., & Daly, A. J. (2024). Innovation Initiatives in Relation to Leaders' Attitudes and Social Networks: Insights from a Research-Practice Partnership in California.. Manuscript in preparation In Innovation Initiatives in Relation to Leaders' Attitudes and Social Networks: Insights from a Research-Practice Partnership in California.
    • van Halem, N., Lockton, M., Trautman, D., Liou, Y.-H., & Daly, A. J. (2024). Cultivating innovation through responsive leadership: Considering the perspectives of classified staff. Unpublished. In Dismantling Racial Injustice and Constructing Educational Possibilities: A Call to Action (2024 ed.). AERA.
    • van Halem, N., Lockton, M., Trautman, D., Liou, Y.-H., & Daly, A. J. (in press). Headwinds and tailwinds: Insights from a Research Practice Partnership on Identifying High Impact Growth Areas for School Improvement. Journal of Professional Capital and Community. https://doi.org/10.1108/JPCC-04-2024-0051


    • van Halem, N., Cornelisz, I., Daly, A., & van Klaveren, C. (2023). Identifying high impact school improvements using conditional mean independent correlations and growth functions. International Journal of Research and Method in Education, 46(2), 211-228. https://doi.org/10.1080/1743727X.2022.2099826 [details]
    • van Halem, N., Lockton, M., & Daly, A. J. (2023). It takes a village to raise a village: Een leercultuur bouwen met aandacht voor personeel zonder lesbevoegdheid. Manuscript in preparation. In It takes a village to raise a village: Een leercultuur bouwen met aandacht voor personeel zonder lesbevoegdheid
    • van Halem, N., Lockton, M., Daly, A. J., & Trautman, D. (2023). Insights from a Research Practice Partnership in California on Identifying High Impact Growth Areas for School Improvement. Manuscript in preparation. In Insights from a Research Practice Partnership in California on Identifying High Impact Growth Areas for School Improvement
    • van Halem, N., Lockton, M., Daly, A. J., Trautman, D., & Liou, Y-H. (2023). How School Principals Wield Social Influence in Directing and Implementing Student-Centered Instructional Initiatives: A Case Study. Manuscript in preparation. In How School Principals Wield Social Influence in Directing and Implementing Student-Centered Instructional Initiatives: A Case Study


    • van Halem, N., van Klaveren, C., & Cornelisz, I. (2021). The effects of implementation barriers in virtually proctored examination: A randomised field experiment in Dutch higher education. Higher Education Quarterly, 75(2), 333-347. https://doi.org/10.1111/hequ.12275 [details]


    • Van Halem, N., Van Klaveren, C., Drachsler, H., Schmitz, M., & Cornelisz, I. (2020). Tracking patterns in self-regulated learning using students’ self- reports and online trace data. Frontline Learning Research, 8(3), 140-163. https://doi.org/10.14786/flr.v8i3.497


    • Dudley, P., Warwick, P., Vrikki, M., Vermunt, J., Mercer, N., van Halem, N., & Færøyvik Karlsen , A. M. (2019). Implementing a New Mathematics Curriculum in England: District Research Lesson Study as a Driver for Student Learning, Teacher Learning and Professional Dialogue. In Theory and Practice of Lesson Study in Mathematics (pp. 285-315). (Advances in Mathematics Education). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-04031-4_15
    • Vermunt, J. D., Vrikki, M., van Halem, N., Warwick, P., & Mercer, N. (2019). The impact of Lesson Study professional development on the quality of teacher learning. Teaching and Teacher Education, 81, 61-73. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tate.2019.02.009


    • Schmitz, M., Scheffel, M., van Limbeek, E., van Halem, N., Cornelisz, I., van Klaveren, C., Bemelmans, R., & Drachsler, H. (2018). Investigating the Relationships Between Online Activity, Learning Strategies and Grades to Create Learning Analytics-Supported Learning Designs. In R. Elferink, H. Drachsler, V. Pammer-Schindler, M. Perez-Sanagustin, & M. Scheffel (Eds.), Lifelong Technology-Enhanced Learning - 13th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, EC-TEL 2018, Proceedings (pp. 311-325). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; Vol. 11082). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-98572-5_24


    • Van Halem, N., Van Klaveren, C. P. B. J., & Cornelisz, I. (2017). Oefent een leerling meer door niveaudifferentiatie? Het effect van data-gestuurde differentiatie op leerinspanning en de rol van eerder behaalde cijfers. Pedagogische Studien, 94(3), 182-195.
    • Vrikki, M., Warwick, P., Vermunt, J. D., Mercer, N., & Van Halem, N. (2017). Teacher learning in the context of Lesson Study: A video-based analysis of teacher discussions. Teaching and Teacher Education, 61, 211-224. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tate.2016.10.014


    • Warwick, P., Vrikki, M., Vermunt, J. D., Mercer, N., & van Halem, N. (2016). Connecting observations of student and teacher learning: an examination of dialogic processes in Lesson Study discussions in mathematics. ZDM - Mathematics Education, 48(4), 555-569. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11858-015-0750-z
    • van Halem, N., Goei, S. L., & Akkerman, S. F. (2016). Formative assessment in teacher talk during lesson studies. International Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies, 5(4), 313-328. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJLLS-11-2015-0041


    • van der Lans, R. M., Wissink, E., & van Halem, N. (2024). Werken met data verzameld door scholen: kansen en uitdagingen.


    • van Halem, N., Wijtzes, A., Engels, R., & Denktaş, S. (2022). Exploring Conditions for Successful Research-Practice Partnerships for the "Connecting Our Future" Program in the Netherlands.. Paper presented at American Educational Research Association, San Diego, United States.


    • van Halem, N. (participant) (16-3-2021 - 18-3-2021). ICO International Spring School 2021. The ICO International Spring School is a small scale international event for PhD candidates in the educational sciences. Because the ICO ISS is (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • van Halem, N. (participant) (2-9-2019). World Association of Lesson and Learning Studies - PhD pre-conference, Amsterdam. Prior to the WALS International Conference from 3-6 September 2019, a PhD pre-conference is organised jointly with the WALS Expert Seminar. The (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).


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